Chapter 26

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I could finally breathe

After one long boring hour of check ups....I was finally released and given pain killers stomach didn't hurt as much because they'd given me a shot to ease the pain

"Your gut was pretty damaged and you had a wound on your lower're just lucky you didn't have any internal bleeding....," the nice elderly nurse had said to me

"Now just take this dose of painkillers for two days ....and go rub that wound on your abdomen with hot water and everything will be fine.....oh...and be sure to tell your boyfriend thank you.," she said again and gave me a wink when she said boyfriend

Did she think Logan was my boyfriend....this old folks though ....

I was now able to support myself and I thanked the nurse and limped out of the room....the pain in my stomach had now eased and was soon supposed to cease.....I hope so

I found Logan at the waiting bay looking at something on his phone phone ...I didn't have it....I checked my pockets but it wasn't there....I might have dropped it while running away from that jerk.....or maybe I left at the parlour.....if that was the case then I was sure Kaitleen would bring it to me ...that thought made me a little but calm

"Hey you're back...," Logan said while smiling at me before adding... "And you can walk again ...," I could feel the humour in his tone

He stood up and we walked....rather he walked and I limped to the exit....I told him what the nurse had said....

"The old woman actually believes that you're my boyfriend ," I said while laughing

"Maybe she thinks we just look good together....," he said and I chucked

We reached the car and he opened the passenger door for me and I entered while he went to the driver's side

He started the car and tuned the radio....I heard the sudden burst of electric guitars mixed with base was soft rock....not so bad

He drove while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and he often glanced at me every now and then....

Then it hit me ...I couldn't go home looking like this was I going to explain.....I looked at the time on the digital clock that was on the dashboard ...7:38 ...oh I was so fucking late and my aunt is going to be furious ...I couldn't risk going home with a bloody shirt ......the only other option was to go naked

My aunt would freak out and Aiden being the overprotective brother he is would definitely make me say the truth

He always seemed to know when I was lying and I hated that because it wasn't mutual on my part ....aunt Marie would even get a heart attack ....her poor heart has already gone through a lot I decided to spare her this one

Since I didn't want any confrontation from Aiden or any tears from aunt Marie.... I decided to settle on probably the worst idea ever thought of in the history of wasn't even fit to be called an idea

Here it goes.....

"Ummm...Logan.....," I began

"Yeah," he answered while turning the volume a little lower

You can do it Tracy .....just say the words....

"Can....we ...go to your place ....,"


Damn it

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