Chapter 15: Car ride

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"Mmm" I moaned as I sat up in bed. My eyes blinked in annoyance as I looked over at my annoyingly ringing phone. I starred at the piece of technology in hopes I would suddenly acquire heat vision and set it ablaze. Sadly though my dreams failed and the phone continued to ring. Finally I forced my body to slump over so i could grab the IPhone. After seeing who it was I answered with a grumpy voice " Kaolu.. Do you have any idea what time it is?'

"Ruki" Kaolu said on the other end "it's two in the afternoon" His voice just filled my ear with his disappointment in me and my laziness. “So" I retorted "I haven't been sleeping a-lot lately, but was so tired I couldn't help it anymore"

"Okay okay, just hurry up and stop complaining, you have an appointment today" Kaolu said causing me to bolt out of bed. “OH Man!, I forgot about that.. What time is the appointment again?" I asked sounding panicked "3:30" kaolu answered not seeming to care about my panic.

"Okay, that gives me just enough time, thank you Kaolu" I said as I held the phone between my shoulder and cheek while pulling off the soccer shorts i slept in. I then grabbed my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and wiggled my way into them just as kaolu said before hanging up "Just hurry"

After hanging up I tossed my phone onto the bed and pulled a shirt from my closet. I pulled the soft fabric over my head and let it settle around my torso. " okay" I said to myself as I walked over and made my bed up after that I grabbed my phone, cigarettes, sunglasses lighter and wallet and put them all into my bag except for my sunglasses , those i hung on my shirt.

After making sure i had all my stuff I walked into the kitchen. Once there I grabbed a melon bread from the pantry and headed for the door. I held the bread in my mouth while putting on my shoes. Then suddenly I heard from behind me "where ya goin?"

I turned to see Reita standing behind me wearing a pair of distressed blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. "Uh... "i said stunned by his sexy messy hair "Ruki?' he said as he walked a bit closer. His sudden closeness made me jump back to reality "oh.. I've got a hair appointment today" I said as I reached over to grab my coat and at that exact moment Reita reached for his causing our hands to touch each other.

I jumped back a bit at the sudden warmth of his hand on mine making me drop my jacket to the floor. "s-sorry" I apologized as Reita kindly picked up my coat. "you startled me" I said as I took my coat and slipped it on "Thank you"

"It’s alright" Reita said as he slipped his own jacket on. “You want a ride? “He asked getting a "huh" from me in response. “Do you want a ride to the salon? I'm heading that way, so I can give you a lift..If you want" he explained as he passed by me and opened the front door.

"Ummm...sure" I agreed reluctantly as we excited the apartment and headed to the elevator. Once inside we silently listened to the elevator music. Then when we excited the elevator, waved to the receptionist lady and excited the building it was only then we realized it was snowing.

"Oh nice" I said as I looked up at the falling white flakes that covered my black jacket. “Come on” Reita called from where his mustang was parked and I trotted over to him. “It’s so cold today” Reita said trying to make conversation as I sat down in his car and he pulled the top over my head. “It is” I said as I gazed out the window while Reita sat down in the driver’s seat.

He then cranked the engine, pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded down the road. “Hey” Reita suddenly said after several minutes of driving with nothing but the sound of the radio playing. The sudden sound of his voice made me jump “Uh... Yea?” I managed to say.

“Can I ask you something?” Reita asked and my heart and mind filled with uneasiness. “s-sure” I stuttered like an idiot as I tried to regain my composer which was immediately lost once Reita asked his next question. “The day I got hurt we were arguing right? …What was it about?”

“Oh that” I said “It was nothing, just me being stupid and petty … just forget it” As I spoke I looked down at my feet hoping to god Reita would not notice my burning face. “well” Reita said again “even so … It’s been bugging me… was it something I did to make you angry ?”

“No!” I quickly said in a breathy tone “It was all me  ... I didn’t believe you when you told me something and it made me angry to think you were lying ... That’s all.” As I spoke the same thoughts passed through my head ‘Please don’t ask , please don’t ask’ over and over again I prayed he wouldn’t ask the next question I just  knew was going to come out of his mouth.

“What did I say , that you didn’t believe?” there it is, that’s the question I didn’t want to have to answer because I have no clue what to say, so I simply fell silent for a while before looking out the window and saying “ I don’t remember”

After saying that Reita sighed and we fell silent, we remained that way until Reita pulled up in front of the salon. I quickly got out of the mustang and stood in the falling snow. “Thank you” I said before shutting the door and running over to Kaolu who was standing by the salon door waiting for me.

I stood there next to kaolu and watched as Reita pulled out and drove away. Then when he was out of sight I released a deep breath and put my head on Kaolu’s shoulder. “You okay?” he asked as he patted my back “what’s wrong?” I Released another deep long breath as I raised my head from his shoulder and walked into the salon “Kaolu , I have so much to tell you”


Remembrance: A Reita and Ruki story ( Gazette fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now