Chapter 17: I'm not Reita!

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((~~sorry it took so long to update, i've been busy with work and summer vacation started to i've been procrastinating, but i'll try harder to update more frequently... also im really tired so i may have left a few words out here and there but don't worry after i get some sleep i'll go back through and fix what i missedl~~))

“Haaah” I sighed as I lounged on my couch while flipping through commercials. Boredom surrounded me as I settled on a random channel and I dropped the remote. As I watched the TV My boredom grew and when the sudden sound of my phone ringing filed my ears. I fell off the couch when I tried to grab my phone off the coffee table beside me.

As I hit the floor I knocked my cellphone off the coffee table making it land on my face, causing my nose to press the answer button. “ kai?' Kaolu's voice said on the phone when he heard my groaning and silent cursing.

“Yea” I groaned as I picked up the phone and put it to my ear. I listened to Kaolu explain what was going on as I forced myself off the ground and to my feet. I rubbed m neck and walked to my entry way “okay where are you guys I asked as I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. “okay, I'll be there in about 7 minuets or so alright... Kay bye” I hung up, put my phone in my pocket and walked out of my apartment.

I pulled the hood of my jacket up as I headed out into the snow filled night. I then got in my car after brushing some snow off the windshield. It took about 5 minutes to drive to the bar Ruki and Kaolu we're at, and just as I pulled up Kaolu came out with an arm around Ruki's back and one of Ruki's arms around his neck. I quickly got out and opened my back door so Kaolu could lay Ruki down in the back seat. Once Ruki was settled down I shut the door and looked at Kaolu.

“Thanks man” he said and I shook my head “it's no problem, do you want a ride home' I offered but Kaolu said no, he said it's best I just take Ruki back to my place, there’s no tellin what he might say or do to Reita in this condition. I agreed so I drove back to my place with Ruki and Kaolu caught the last train home.

Once home I got Ruki out of my car and tried my best to walk him up two flights of stairs to my apartment. Then after struggling to hold him up right I sat him down by the wall while I unlocked my door.

Once my door was open I grabbed Ruki and pulled him up. The sudden jerk must of woken him from his drunken sleep because he stood up and put his arms around my neck while saying “sorry... i'm sorry....It's my fault”

I sighed and walked Ruki into the apartment. I forced him to let go of my neck when I laid him down on the couch. After he was settled I removed his shoes and put them in the entry way. When I got back Ruki was sprawled out on my couch like the drunkard he was at the moment. “ya know, Ruki you are more trouble then you are worth” I said as I walked into my bedroom, grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, and walked back to Ruki.

I sat the clothes on the coffee table and shook Ruki “Hey , you're wet from all the snow if you don't change you'll catch a cold.” I said and Ruki groaned as he reached out for the sweat pants, but his drunk self couldn't even reach them so I grabbed them and handed them to him. And while he drunkenly took his pants off I walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water.

When I got back with the water Ruki was on the floor with my sweatpants half on half off “Ruki.. come on” I sighed as I sat the water down and pulled the sweat pants the rest of the way up and helped him back onto the couch. “Ruki” I said “you're 32 years old, are you really going to make me do this?” Ruki didn't reply he simply sat there in a drunken daze. “Fine” I sighed out as I pulled Ruki's shirt off at sat it to the side.

I then grabbed the t-shirt I brought and put it on Ruki. After he was all dressed layed Ruki down and grabbed a blanket from my hall closet. I came back and drapped the blanket over ruki and put him on his side just in case he got sick he wouldn't choke. Then as I got up to go back to my room Ruki grabbed my wrist.

“don't go” he mumbled and I knelt down to listen to him speak “please.... I'm sorry...Reita...” He said as he began to cry “don't forget me... remember..please.. please....I love you” He whispered the last part he sat up quickly and kissed me deeply.

At first I didn't know how to react, I was shocked. Ruki was kissing me, well in his mind he was kissing Reita, but that didn't make it right. So As soon as I regained my composer I pushed him away . Then I put my hands on his cheeks and said “Ruki ...I'm not Reita”

Ruki starred at me with tear blurred eyes. And when he realized it was me he began to cry harder saying “sorry , sorry” over and over again. I quickly hugged him tightly and aloud him to cry into my chest until he fell asleep.

Once asleep I laid him back down on the couch and covered him up again. I then whispered “It's going to get better I promise" I then walked into my bedroom and laid in bed for two hours before falling asleep.

Remembrance: A Reita and Ruki story ( Gazette fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now