Chapter 5 : Let The Tears Fall

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 (Ruki's P.O.V)

Frozen from the words that shattered my heart I quietly said “W-what”and Uruha simply nodded a sad slow nod. Kai gently placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manor, but it didn't help,my body was cold and I felt as if I might faint.

Seeing the state I was in Kai asked “ Why don't we just tell him then , I mean what stopping us?.” Aoi opened his mouth to answer but before he could the doctor came around the corner and interrupted “because If you tell him that for the last five years he's been in a romantic sexual relationship with someone he thinks as one of his best friends, it could seriously disturb any of his future action's especially ones concerning your band and any potential developments in your relationship” He said as he walked over to stand next to Aoi while looking at Kai then at me “I'm sorry, truly I am, but this is for the best”

“I see” I said as I looked down trying to hid my watering eyes. The doctor then excused himself and we four fell into silence as my simple tears turned to sobs that grew louder and louder. Then at one point I started thinking 'maybe this is for the best'. If he doesn't remember our relationship, then he doesn't remember his love for me and he may never get those feelings back. So maybe this is a sigh that we “ Hey , Stop It!” Kai said as he shook my shoulder a little causing me to look up at him.

“He may not remember you were together, but he definitely still loves you even if he doesn't know it yet. You just have to make him realize it just like you did before” Kai said almost as if he was reading my mind and sensing my mood. My tears slowed and I finally stopped my sobbing as I nodded at Kai's words. “You're right” I said with my horse voice as I wiped my tears “ Let's go see him”

Uruha and Aoi looked at each other then at Kai and nodded “Yea” Uruha said as he led us all to Reita's room.”Reita!” I called as I walked in and put on my best brave face, but the second I saw his bright face and his dark sparkling(in my opinion) eyes I broke into tears. “Eh..Ruki...don't cry I'm Okay see” Reita said as he patted the part of his head that held the stitched he received after his fall. I know he was trying to make me feel better, but it just made me remember that he fell into a coma and forgot he loved me, was because he saved me.

I slowly moved over to Reita while the others stayed back. I looked down at him as he shifted to the side of his bed,meanwhile tears streamed down my cheeks. “Hey, stop Ruki” He said as he looked up at me. “I'm sorry” I said as I slowly reached up and started rubbing away my tears “I'm just so happy you're okay, and I'm sorry this happened because you saved me”

“Don't apologies, Ruki I don't regret anything, I saved you because you're my friend” He said and finally the idea of him not remembering our relationship sunk in. I could no longer kiss him when I wanted, I can't rely on him to comfort me after a long hard day, no more cuddling on our couch, no more Saturday movie nights and worst of all no more waking up in the mornings in his big strong arms , turning over to see the morning glow on his sleeping face.

As scenes from the last five years flashed across my mind the tears I had just wiped away were reappearing and I could not stop myself from sobbing so I just Used my hands to cover my tear studded face. “ Come one Ruki” Reita said as he reached up to grab one of my hands “ It's not that said”. His attempts at comforting me failed as my sadness just increased. “I'm sorry.. Excuse me” I said as I turned and walked away letting my hand slip out of Reita's. Once out of the room I placed my back to the wall and collapsed to the floor.

Aoi then came out and sat next to me, not saying a word. He just let me sob and bawl my eyes out. Then when my whimpers became few he reached over and grabbed my hand. “everything will be okay” he said in a quiet soothing voice. As I sat there crying slowly I began to stop and my breathing started to even out I started to think about the good times again, but this time I didn't cry I did snap my head up to look at Aoi when thought came across my mind. “What is it” Aoi asked seeing the odd look on my face, “ Aoi .. If He doesn't remember our relationship, then what if he doesn't remember we live together.” I asked panic filling my voice and worry covering my face.

Remembrance: A Reita and Ruki story ( Gazette fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now