Chapter 18: Breakfast at Kai's

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That morning I woke up around 9. I just sat up in my bed for a while simply thinking about everything. Eventually though I got up and walked into the living room where Ruki was curled up on my couch cuddling my black plush blanket .

I walked over and leaned on the back of the couch just looking down at the sleeping cat like figure, I let out a sigh when I saw his tear stained eyes. “Ruki Ruki Ruki” I said as I swuffed his black and blonde hair a bit before going into the kitchen “Guess I'll make breakfast.”

I quickly pulled out a pan, put it on the stove and poured a bit of baking oil in it. Then as I went to the fridge to get the eggs and have my cellphone rang from my pocket. So I quickly shut the fridge, put the stuff on the counter and grabbed my phone.

I checked the caller ID first before pressing answer and putting the device between my ear and shoulder “Moshi Moshi, Reita” I said as I dumped the already pre-cut ham cubed into the pan and let them cook on low heat.

“Kai?” Reita said on the other end of the phone his voice seeming kinda panicked “ Have you seen Ruki , He didn't come home last night and when I woke up this morning he was still gone” I listened to Reita's panicked tone as I began to crack some eggs into a bowl and whisk them.

“Yeah” I said nonchalantly “ He's here, he's sleeping on my couch right now” After I said that Reita went silent, so silent to the point where I had to say “Reita?” just to see if he was still there.

“WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU CALL ME, DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS” Reita practically screamed into the phone. “ hey” I said “ thanks you know I didn't need my hearing anyway” I told him in a sassy tone while I grabbed another pan from the cabinet and put it on the stove.

Then as I poured oil into the pan Reita sighed and said “sorry man... I was just so very worried... I thought something might have happened.” I signed as I poured the whisked eggs into the pan. “ listen” I said “Ruki went to get a drink with Kaolu, he got to drunk so Kaolu called me.” Reita didn't say anything but I could just tell he was nodding. “ So” I finally said breaking the silence that fell between us.

“how ya been since you got back and all Reita paused a moment before saying “I've been good, but...” He paused before groaning and continuing “ I get the feeling Ruki's hiding something.” It was now my turn to fall silent and apparently my silence made Reita suspicious because he then asked me “Kai... What are you not telling me”

“Uh..Nothing” I lied , badly I might add And Reita's silence was a dead give away that he didn't believe me. Luckily though that’s when I heard Ruki's voice faintly call out “Kai” I turned around quickly to see Ruki sitting up while holding his head and my first thought was 'perfect a way out.' “hey Reita I said into the phone just low enough for Reita to hear but Ruki not to. “ Ruki's up now, so I’m gonna go” After that I hung up with out giving him a second to reply.

“good morning” I called out a little to loudly “ugh...” Ruki groaned as he stood up and went into my bathroom. I listened as the sink ran and called out “ You can take a shower if you want” Ruki didn't say anything but I soon heard the shower going telling me he had heard me.

Meanwhile I finished cooking two ham and cheese omelets. After I finished those I grabbed a T-shirt and jeans and left the outside the bathroom just as Ruki was getting out. “Feeling any better” I asked as he came out with a towel around his damp hair. “no.. Not really.” He answered while rubbing his eyes and sitting down at my table. I then mimicked his action as I sat one omelet in front of him and the other in front of me.

Ruki sat there for awhile starring at the omelet before picking up his chopsticks and starting to eat. His First few bites were slow but they gradually got faster. Soon enough we had both finished and sat there in silence for a long while, that is until Ruki's pone rang. He quickly answered it after checking the caller ID. “ Moshi Moshi” He said

“Yes Yes, I'm fine Kaolu... Thanks you... yes next time is my treat... Sure I've got time... Alright bye” After that he hung up and looked at me while he got up from his seat. “I'm gonna head out now and meet up with Kaolu.”

I Gave a nod and watched as he took his plate and put it in the sink. I then did the same and followed him to the door. “You gonna be okay?” I asked and he looked back while putting his shoes on. “mm, I'll be fine... It'll just take time is all.” he said as he stood up and grabbed his jacket that I had hung up that night. “just be careful, Okay?” I said to Ruki just before he nodded and walked out the door.

I then went over to my couch, flopped down on it and began to channel surf just like I had done before Going to get Ruki. While flipping from channel to channel I though 'What the hell have we all gotten ourselves into.'

((~~ hey guys i was thinking about how Kai is so lonely in this story so I want to know how you gus think, Should i give Kai a lover or let him stay the mama of the group ~~))

Remembrance: A Reita and Ruki story ( Gazette fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now