i lost you like you lost hair pins

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"Right, we need to go out," Ashton was swinging round on my computer chair, looking bored.

"Yeah! We need to have some fun!" Michael actually paused the game he was playing with Calum to look at me expectantly.

"Go on then, see you later." I carried on strumming on my guitar, writing down chords as I went.

"It's been a year, you never come out with us anymore." I knew all three of them were exchanging glances and looking at me sympathetically. I couldn't help the way I felt but maybe going out would make them shut up for a while...


"Luke seriously you can't just sit in your roo- wait, what?" Ash had jumped up in surprise, all three boys shared the same look of shock. "Quick find nice clothes before he changes his mind!" I scrunched up my nose and looked down at my jogging bottoms and band shirt.

"Nothing's wrong with what I'm wearing, idiots." I huffed, crossing my arms as I watched them raid my wardrobe. Of course I didn't always wear jogging bottoms but I knew all of my nice shirts were at the back of the wardrobe, I hadn't worn them since- 

"What's this?" Calum was laughing as he held up an old pair of straighteners. "Straightening that quiff are we, pretty boy?" The other boys laughed until they looked at me. I guess my face gave away that they were hers. 

"Let's just, uh, what about this shirt?" I didn't speak as I took the shirt from Michael and changed quickly. Tonight wasn't going to be fun.


I find your hair accessories in my room a lot. You always use to fuss over your hair a lot, like you didn't look beautiful with any hairstyle. You would always ask me how you looked, especially if we were going to a party.

I remember the only time you actually listened to me. It was your 16th that day and we were nearly late for your own party. You asked me if you should curl your hair and I told you to leave it natural. The red dress that clung to your body made you look like something out of this world and it was the first time I knew I loved you. I told you. I remember mumbling it against your lips after you kissed me before we left. All I got was a simple 'yeah, love you' from you before you dashed away. I thought nothing of it then but now, looking back, I can see what a fool I was. Did you ever love me? Was I lying to myself?

You were complimented on your hair a lot that night, maybe it was because it was your birthday but everytime you looked at me and I knew I looked smug all night. Not only had you listened to me but the most beautiful girl in the house was mine.

Honestly, I loved it most when you had your hair up casually, the way you only did around me because you felt comfortable. There was always that little strand that hung by your right eye, never quite long enough for your hair band to hold back. 

I just want to run my hand through your hair again.


a/n I hope you like this, it's different from a lot of things I try to write

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