meeting louise

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"You're t-shirt right now is worse than that disgusting one Ash use to have" Calum was lying next to me on my bed.

"Nothing was as bad as that!" Ashton narrowed his eyes at us as we laughed at the memory of his old purple t-shirt he wore when he first ever rocked up to band practice.

"Whatever. When's Michael coming to pick us up?" 

The place I cleaned at had, surprisingly, let me buy tickets as soon as they were available. I got a slight discount on my own ticket but not the other boys. All I had was the guarantee of actually getting the tickets.

The band that was playing was small, I hadn't heard of them but a lot of people I worked with kept saying how good they were. There was also a hype throughtout the crowd that usually visited for their performance today.

I hadn't been to a gig for a while and the excitement I had missed was returning. I was free.


The band playing were great. The lead singer - Patty I think his name was - had a great stage presence that made the whole of As It Is hyped up and give a good performance. 

I was happily enjoying the music alone, the boys had left to do their own things about half way through the bands set. A couple of people in front of me, purple hair kept grabbing my attention. The hand of a girl was in the air, the bands of multiple gigs and bands encased her delicate looking wrist.

I was mesmerised watching her. I hadn't had a chance to see the whole of her face but I often caught glimpses as she turned to smile to her friends. She had a pretty floral top on that complimented her hair colour and her lips always pulled up revealing a set of perfectly white teeth.

I was admiring a girls teeth, God how drunk am I?

Shaking my head, I made my way over to the bar. The bartender smiled at me, obviously recognising me from work even if we weren't on a name knowing basis. I nodded my head at him and asked for a pint of Fosters.

He was quick to serve me as most people were enjoying the end of the band's set. I shouted a thanks over the music and turned to look for my friends.

"You come here often?" Was I being hit on? I turned my head to face the girl with the purple hair that I was watching earlier. Her smile faultered when she took in my expression of shock. "I'm not like, hitting on you. I've seriously just seen you around quite a few times when bands finish their sets and, sorry." Her cheeks were previously flushed from the heat but she bowed her head in embarrassment.

"I work here, clean up duty." I chuckled at her apology.

"You seem to take it very seriously," She smiled and gestured to the beer in my hand. I took a sip as she called over the bartender and ordered.

"Well you caught me on a day when I'm off duty." Her hair was a lighter shade of purple that I had originally thought and she was dressed simple in jeans and boots. Her top made her stand out amongst the people dressed in all black or band shirts. 

"Enjoy the band?" She was watching the boys on stage now who were being asked to perform an encore.

"I guess. Probably not enough to support fully but they put on a good show."

"I like them, good show and the lead singer has great vocals. I enjoy a lot of the bands I see here." She was still smiling, small creases at the side of her eyes. "I have to go. See you around, clean up duty." She waved a little and disappeared off into the crowd. I watch her go until I couldn't focus on her purple hair any longer.

"So you've finally met Louise," I jumped at the bartenders voice and spun around. 


"She's a regular, here nearly all the time. Nearly all the staff know her, great girl. I'm surprised you hadn't met her sooner. Very chatty when drunk" He was grinning as if he was enjoying that it took me a long time to find something out. It was aggravating me the way he never said a full sentence.

"I'll see her around then."

I left and, luckily, bumped into an annoyed looking Ashton trying to pull Michael out. I laughed and started to help him.

I was excited to see Louise at my next shift. Maybe it would make working here more interesting other than just getting ticket discounts.



i realised i never actually told you guys this. i guess i never expected people to like this like they have

the sequel has been taken down, for now.

thank you for any feeback, it all means so much to me <3

dedicated to brookshemmo bc Louise. love her - she's amazing :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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