your smell captivates me

191 23 11

a/n let's pretend mayday parade don't exist for this story even though I love them


"I want to keep her dreaming,

It's my one wish, I won't forget this.

I'm outdated, overrated, morning seems so far away.

So I'll sing a melody

and hope to god she's listening

sleeping softly while I sing"

I nodded to myself, happy with the lyrics I had written and the chords of my guitar fit perfectly. I loved it when my songs came together as one. Songs like this one were just for me, I didn't share them with the band. The tone wouldn't fit so I just didn't tell the boys.

A few weeks ago, I had had my interviews for the jobs I applied for. My first day at Lush was today. I wasn't nervous exactly, I had met the other collegues after my interview - they hired me on the spot. They were a good bunch, fun and chatty. I was looking forward to speaking to them.

It just felt weird. Going to work, meeting new people. It was normal, something I hadn't done in over a year. My stomach was creating knots in excitement. I was normal again.


I left my house grinning, tempted to whistle a song and skip - if it wasn't so cheesy. And if I wouldn't have looked like an idiot.

The drive to the town centre was serene; I hadn't been here in forever. I was comfortable in my normal skinny jeans and a white button up. I wasn't sure what the dress code was, I hadn't been told or given a specific outfit so I played it safe.

Once I pushed open the doors, the strong aroma of fruits and flowers blasted in my face. I had always loved the smell of Lush - it was gorgeous.

"That great smell is going to get on your nerves soon" a boy around my age was standing by the door, ready to greet customers I guess. He grinned at me and I recognised him from my interview. "Luke, right? I'm Uritha."

"Yeah, thanks for the heads up about the smell." I smiled at him as he gestured for me to follow him.

"We'll get your badge and I'll quickly show you how to talk to customers and stuff. Then you'll be on your own but that's cool, right?"

"Yeah, thanks." I clipped the badge on as we walked back into the main store.

"Watch and learn from the master." I chuckled as he sauntered over to group of teenage girls. He shot them a smile as he nodded to what they were saying, leading them towards the bath scrubs. In a matter of minutes they were by the till and buying a large amount of cosmetics.

Uritha told me to try so I approached a woman that looked to be in her early twenties.

"Can I help you ma'am?" I shot her what I hoped to be a charming smile.

"Oh doll, yes please! I just want some body wash." She looked flustered and I easily lead her to what she wanted.

"What smell do you suggest, uh..." She paused to look at my name tag. "Luke."

I suggested the strawberry one quickly and she thanked me before going to buy her product. The smell of strawberries would always be my favourite now - how could I not suggest it?

"Man, you did great! Looks like I might have competition." Uritha winked at me as he approached another costumer. I stood for a minute smiling to myself, surprised at how the euphoric feeling I was having.


You use to spend countless nights at my house and I spent countless mornings holding onto you dearly. You looked so utterly beautiful when you slept that it was close to impossible.

My favourite mornings was when you were facing away from me but tucked into my body. My arm would always be around you and our hands intertwined.

You always tied your hair up at night but that never stopped me burying my face into it. It was a weird thing for me to do, I know. I just couldn't resist.

It was soft against my cheeks and when I breathed deep, I always breathed in the smell of strawberries. I had purposefully made sure I had the same shampoo and body wash as you used at my house. Just so you and your hair wouldn't smell any different.

After you left me, I used the bottles till they ran out. I couldn't bare the idea of not being surrounded by a happy, loving bubble of your smell. So, I made sure I smelt the same way.

The boys commented on my sudden feminine smell. That use to make me cry. I cried a lot when you left and even more when I ran out of shampoo and body wash.

What was I suppose to do without you? Without you to make me happy and calm me down? I lost it when you left me. I was distraught.

You knew me, knew I barely cried no matter how sensitive I was at times. Wasting bodily fluids on tears just wasn't my thing. It was after you were gone. Sometimes, it still is.

I brought strawberry shampoo with my employee discount on my first day of work.

I regret it because now I'm missing you. It's 3am and I haven't cried so hard for a couple of months.

I miss you.


I made myself sad with this one, what is even wrong with me.

Do you guys genuinely like this?xo

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