you always put me down

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"So who's got a new song?" Ashton was sitting on his drum stool, softly tapping at his set.

"Well I put together a little something..." Michael grinned at us as he set up his guitar, ready to show us.

"Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice



All three of us cracked up at how serious he was.

"Wait wait, start again!" Calum jumped up and I quickly set up my guitar too.

"I'll count down." Ash started.

"1 2

1 2 3 4!

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice



We all burst out laughing again, Calum nearly falling over. The song pretty much summed up Michael's love for pizza.

"It's the most punk rock song we've ever sung." Ashton hiccuped in between his giggles.

"I am punk rock." Michael tried to look serious, crossing his arms.

"As punk rock as a unicorn." Calum snorted, supporting himself on the shelves next to him.

We were in my basement finally having a proper practice again. It felt like I hadn't done this for years and I guess it had been a year since I was properly focused on the band and my friends. When I had suggested we meet up it was obvious that they were shocked.

"Earth to Luke, we're asking if you have any proper songs?" Ashton's hand was waving in front of my face so I pushed it away.

"Sorry, it was taking a while to think of anything punk rock about Michael." Calum started laughing all over again and I let out a chuckle.

"Shut the fuck up, Luke." It was obvious that Michael was trying not to laugh so I just shrugged.

"I actually have written something..." The boys perked up and I told them about one of the many songs I had written over the past year. This one called Try Hard


You were never very supportive of my band. At first, I was offended. Then I started choosing you over the band.

You didn't have a good taste in music, if I'm honest. It was always whatever your friends were listening to or whatever was in the charts. You never had a real taste in music.

You called our band stupid. "A wannabe all time low" or "something that's not going anywhere". I agreed with you. I can't believe I ever did. We don't care if we don't get anywhere, we don't care what you think because if you're going to be like that then our music isn't for you.

I bad mouth you now about how you put my band down but I was hooked on you. From the very first kiss I was addicted and would do anything you asked of me.

Your embrace was better than anything I could have ever imagined and I'm missing it.

We were everyone's dream relationship, or so I was told. You could make me feel so alive, something I haven't felt for a year.

Now I'm nothing. No one to hold, nothing to make me feel alive and making me happy.

I'm just a half of what we use to be. I don't think I'll ever be the same.


I know it's short but hey, he's stopped being so obsessed..a little. Finally.

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