Little Quill

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     "The kid hasn't spoken for a week Captain. Are you sure you don't wanna eat him?"
Yondu turned his head.
     "You touch that boy, and I'll eat you." Yondu said.
     "Y-yes Captain."

A bowl of slop was pushed under the bars of Peter's cell. Peter held his legs and buried his head in his arms. He sobbed softly and thought of his mom.
     "I'm so sorry mom." He said in a whisper."
He looked around him. Everything looked so unfamiliar. Peter looked in the corner of his cell and picked up his walkman. He put on the headphones and pressed play. The steady beat of Escape by Rupert Holmes played. Peter started tapping his foot when two Ravagers walked by. One looked over at him. Peter quickly tried to hide the walkman,  but it was too late. The Ravager walked up to the bars.
     "What do you got there you little squirt!" He belted out. "Gimme it!"
Peter held onto it tightly.
The Ravager opened the gate and grabbed the walkman.
     "Noooo!" Peter yelled. "You can't!"
     "Give it up kid!"
     "Stop! My mom gave it to me!" Peter yelled out.
     "Who cares kid!"
The ravager shut the gate and walked away with the walkman. Peter shook the bars screaming and reaching for it. After trying to break the lock Peter sat back down and cried into his arms.

     "Captain!" The Ravager said. "The kid had this with him!"
He held out the walkman to Yondu. He turned around and swiped it from his hand. After turning the gadget in his hand for a while he turned back around to look at the Ravager.
     "What the hell is this!?" Yondu said.
The headphones poped out of the socket and fell to the floor. He looked at the hole on the walkman.
     "Wait, I've seen this before." Yondu said.
He sat by his control consul and located a wire behind one of the monitors and plugged it into the walkman. After the feedback ended the rest of the crew over the monitors could hear Escape by Rupert Holmes.
For a moment Yondu looked confused, but slowly grinned and started bobbing his head to the music. Down the hall Peter started to hear it over the speakers on the ship. He got up and started shouting down the hall.
     "You jerks! Give me my walkman back!" He yelled.
Yondu heard his faint cry from the cockpit. He stood up and walked down to the cells. Peter saw him coming.
     "Yeah thats right bring it back!" Peter yelled.
Yondu walked up to the cage.
     "Woah." Yondu began. "It talks!"
Some of his crew chuckled with him.
     "Give me my walkman!" Peter whimpered.
     "Ah, so that's what it's called." Yondu said.
He stared at Peter for a while. He watched him kick and scream as he tried to throw punches through the bars. Yondu waved his crew away and knelt down to look at Peter.
     "I like you boy, but if you ever think about escaping again I will eat you." Yondu said.
Peter immediately sat back down on the floor looking terrified.
     "Where am I?" Peter asked. "Why did that guys nose look weired and why are you blue?"
     "Boy, theres a lot to learn out here. There are thousands of planets bigger and better than your earth. It's only a matter of time before you begin to work and flourish with the beings around you." Yondu explained.
     "I just want to go home." Peter said.
Yondu shook his head.
     "No you don't."

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