Sick Day

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"Space aids?!"
Kraglin nodded.
"Is he going to die?"
Kraglin waved his hand.
"Oh no Pete. It's like the flu out here. He should be fine."
Peter sighed in relief.
"Well, good." Peter said clearing his throat. "We wouldn't want our captain to die on us."
Kraglin raised an eyebrow.
"I'm going to get burgers."
Peter grabbed his jacket and took Yondu's black Milano to Xandar. Peter sighed and stared across the control console at Yondu's small figures.
"I can't wait to get my own ship."
Peter landed close to the plaza and walked towards the restaurant Kraglin took him to when he was first captured. He walked up to the glass doors, but stopped when he saw his reflection in the glass. Peter smiled and fixed his hair in the window then went inside. There were a few people waiting in line. Peter stepped in line behind a skinny Xandarian girl in a black and white polka dot pencil dress. She turned to look at him. He smiled mischievously as her eyelashes fluttered back at him. She showed her sparkling white teeth in a smile before turning back around. When it was her turn to order she walked up to the counter. Her high heels clicked against the floor. She sweetly asked for a salad. The cashier asked for 7 units. The girl reached into her purse, but was shocked when her wallet was empty. She sighed and looked up at the cashier sadly. All of a sudden Peter walked up to the counter and set some cash on the counter. He leaned against it with ome elbow.
"Add three double pattie meals with two cokes please. And I'll pay for the salad too."
He turned and smirked at the girl. She smiled sweetly back at him. The cashier nodded taking the cash, but went to the back of the kitchen for more change. Peter turned setting his back to the counter. He leaned against it and looked around the room to make sure no one was watching him. Then he looked up at the girl and raised a finger to his lips. He slowly moved his hand behind him and across the counter and started taking cash out of the drawer of the register. The girl covered her mouth and giggled. Peter put the cash in his jacket and closed the drawer making sure nothing looked suspicious. There food was already ready. They quickly grabbed it and laughed as they ran oit the door. The girl giggled as she tried to keep up with Peter. He opened the door to the ship and invited the girl inside.
"Wanna go for a ride?"
She nodded and took his hand. The door closed and Peter quickly flew off. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck as he flew.
"What's your name?" The girl asked sweetly.
"Star Lord."
She giggled.
"That's a fake name."
"It's an outlaw name. You can call me Peter Quill."
"Peter." She repeated sweetly. "I like it."
"What's yours?"
"Bria, I gotta make one stop before we have some lunch."
Peter docked the ship and walked through the mothership's long hallways to find the master's quarters. He knocked on the door and heard a loud cough from the other side. Peter stared in remorse and heard a raspy voice from the other side.
"Go away!" Yondu yelled.
"Yondu? It's Peter. Can I come in?"
"No boy! I'm not gettin you sick!"
"I brought lunch."
Peter waited a while for a response.
"I got you a double burger. It's got pickles. I know you like pickles." Peter explained.
"Are they sandwiched sliced?"
"Yep, just how you like it."
"Alright, come in."
Peter opened the door. His nose filled with the stench of BO. The room was a mess of clothes. Even the sheets were a mess on the bed. Peter looked over to see Yondu hunched over his sink in the adjoining bathroom. Yondu looked up into the mirror to see Peter standing across the room behind him. Peter grinned at him through the mirror, but he wanted to say how awful Yondu looked.
"His skin was a sickishly pale blue color. Almost like the blood had been drained out of him. His eyes were red around and he looked like he hadn't shaved in a while. Peter walked over to Yondu's small round table and set his bag of food down. Yondu groaned as he walked over. Peter stared trying hard not to look disgusted. Yondu noticed. He sat down and reached his hand in the bag.
"Just spit it out boy. I can take it."
Peter chuckled a bit and leaned his arms on top of the table. He looked at Yondu in the eyes.
"You look like shit Yondu."
Yondu chuckled, but then coughed hard into his hand. He finished unwrapping his burger and took a large bite.
"You getting into any trouble out there?" Yondu said with a full mouth.
"Heh, the life of a Ravager, captain."
Yondu smiled and reached over and shook Peter's hair around.
"That's my boy."
Peter shooed his hand away.
"Hey it takes while to fix this hair."
"Ah, why you care about how pretty you look, boy? You ain't a girl?"
"You know I have to look pretty for them too, right?"
"Whatever Quill."
"Anyways, I gotta go. I'll check on you tomorrow."
"Thanks for the grub Quill."
Peter smiled.
"No problem captain."
Peter stood and opened the door. He turned back and grinned as he shut the door. He quickly ran back to the Milano and locked the door behind him. In the main hangar Bria was leaning against the control table in a sexy position dressed in just her lingerie. She grinned intimently. Peter turned to see her. He walked up proudly and stroked her cheek with his thumb.
"You ready to have lunch?"
She leaned into him and put a soft hand to his chest. Bria spoke close to Peter's lips.
"I'm ready to skip right to desert." She said in persuasion. Peter wrapped his hand around and grabbed behind Bria's head. He kissed her intimently. He took his hand away to remove his jacket and continued kissing. He started to lean over the table. He climbed onto the table and hovered on top of Bria, gently grabbing her top lip with his own lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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