Peter's Birthday

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3 years later...

It's Peter's 16th birthday and he has forgotten about it. Time is almost nonexistent in space. Its hard to keep track of what is a month to a year. But someone on the Ravager ship knows.

     "We need your help again Peter. We need to take a trip to a store in Knowhere."
     "But Yondu, what for?" Peter asked.
     "You'll see when we get there." Yondu said.
Kraglin and Yondu smiled at him as they boarded the pod. They docked in a small villa in Knowhere and went inside a small shop. The air was thick and dusty. The smell of new leather filled Peter's nose. He tried to look around the room bareley covered with a feeble yellow flickering light. There were lots of clothes hanging on the walls. Most of them were large leather jackets. Peter was curious. Why would Kraglin and Yondu bring him here? He turned around. The two were still smiling. Yondu went to a jacket on the wall.
     "Whadda ya think of this one Krag?"
     "Thats a nice one, but I don't think it matches his eyes." Kraglin said. He pointed to the opposite wall. "What about that one?"
Yondu scratched his chin.
     "Looks a little too big." Yondu said sarcastically.
     "Damn it Capn', this kid is impossible to buy for!" Kraglin teased.
Yondu turned and smiled at Peter.
     "Well, how bout we let Peter decide." Yondu said smiling. "After all, it is his birthday."
Peter's face lit up. Yondu and Kraflin both smiled warmly at him. Peter, practically squealing with joy, threw his arms around Kraglin and Yondu.
     "Thank you so much!!!" Peter exclaimed.
     "Happy birthday Pete." Kraglin said.
Yondu kneeled down.
     "Listen Pete, you are becoming a young man now. That means you are gonna have some responsibilities. I trust you to always make good decisions. You've earned your very own jacket Peter. Pick whichever one you want."
Peter turned and admired all of the jackets in that small dank room. There were many colors and styles. Peter looked through them all, but even Kraglin and Yondu agreed that none of them were for him. Yondu walked up to the counter in the back corner of the room. A strange old man was whittling a piece of fabric behind the desk. He was wearing and eyepatch and an old leather coat. With his one eye he looked up at Yondu.
     "Are you sure this is all you have?" Yondu asked.
The man cleared his throat.
     "Afraid so sir."
     "Ya don't have anything in the back?"
     "Well, I have been workin' on somethin'." The man said. "Once my grandson grew outta it he let me have his jacket. I've been makin' some improvements to it."
The man went under the desk to reveal a dusty leather jacket nicely folded up. The man layed it across the table and brushed off the dust. It revealed a smooth red jacket with pockets and a thick collar. Kraglin followed Peter to the desk. Peter's eyes filled with joy.
     "That's the one!" Peter said. "It's perfect!"
Yondu turned to the man.
     "How much?"
     "800 units."
     "He's dreamin'!" Yondu exclaimed.
Yondu looked down to his side. Peter looked up at him sadly like a little puppy. Yondu looked at Kraglin. Krag motioned a remark of approval.
     "Fine, I'll transfer the damn units."
The man smiled and handed Yondu the jacket.
     "It's all yours Pete." Yondu smiled.
Peter excitedly put the jacket on. It was a little big, but it didn't feel as heavy as it looked. Peter spun around and posed in his new jacket. He placed his hands in the pockets and leaned over. He gave a sexy look, but stopped before almost falling over.
     "Thankyou guys!" Peter exclaimed. "This is the best birthday gift ever!"
     "It's not over yet." Krag said. "Were gonna take you to dinner tonight."
Peter's face lit up.
     "Really?! Where?!"
     "The Focus, here on Knowhere." Yondu said. "I know its your favorite place."
     "They have the best wings in the multiverse!" Peter exclaimed.

The Focus is a popular club in Knowere. Peter enjoys the music and the food. Yondu prefers the ladies.

Peter walks up and sees drunk men walking out of the club. There is a small neon sign that spells out The Focus in an alien language. That was all Peter knew how to write. Peter passed the front door and went into a dim room. There was a pedistal with a thin looking alien lady in a sexy outfit waiting for them behind it. She smiled sweetly as Yondu walked up. Loud upbeat music played in rhe background. Behind the pedistal was a small stage. Two other sexy ladies danced about a steal pole. It has been a while since Peter visited this place. He now found the ladies attractive. Peter looked at them so long that Yondu noticed and chuckled at him.
     "Thinkin' you'll get lucky Pete?" Yondu teased.
Peter snapped out.
     "Shut up Yondu!" Peter said slapping him.
The lady looked at him and smiled.
     "If it's your birthday you get a discount on a room." The lady said.
She grabbed a couple of menus and took the group to a table. They sat right across from the stage. Peter glanced up to watch the ladies dance. A man came out onto the stage with a microphone and made an announcement.
     "Our next act will be on which of our ladies can pull off the sexiest outfit. Whomever you like you can get a room with."
The audience clapped and cheered.
     "You can only get laid once this evening."
He left the stage and new music began to play. Peter tried to hide behind his collar.
     "I can't believe you guys brought me hear when I was little!" Peter whispered sharply.
     "We never let you see the stage Peter. At least we kept that from ya." Kraglin said.
He stared at his menu, but his eye caught something else. A girl walked by she winked at him. He smiled and stood up. He walked toward her.
     "We lost him." Yondu laughed.
Peter frowned and stuck his nose in the menu. He eventually looked up and Yondu had also been swepped away by a girl. Peter sat there teying to figure out what flavor of wings he wanted.
     "I would recomend the BBQ wings." A voice behind him said.
Peter sat up. A girl walked up and sat in the seat in front of him.
     "I'm guessing that you want the wings, right?" The girl said. "You haven't taken your eyes off the menu at all."
The girl had short dark hair with frosted tips and a petite light blue body. She was also wearing a similar sexy outfit that the waiter was wearing. She held out her hand.
     "I'm Seliah."
Peter smiled and grabbed her hand firmly.
     "I'm Star Lord."
She giggled.
     "What's your real name, Captain Lord?"
Peter frowned.
     "Peter Quill."
     "Did you just come for the wings, Peter?" Seliah teased.
Peter smiled again and leaned forward. He reached for his pocket and grabbed a wad of units.
     "Well I was hoping to get some wings, but I brought money for dessert too." Peter said sarcastically.
She smiled at him.
     "What can I get for 40 Units?" Peter asked.
     "About 5 minutes of whatever you want." Seliah smiled.
     "Don't I get the discount?" Peter asked. "It's my birthday after all."
Seliah stood up and sat on the table. She smiled down at Peter.
     "Well in that case you can have as much time as you want." Seliah said taking the money. She led Peter to a private room and locked the door behind her. Peter sat on a leather couch. Seliah went over to the small bar that was sitting in the corner. She poured two glasses of pure alcohol and handef one to Peter. She sat next to him as he drank and put her legs across his lap.
     "Tell me about yourself Peter." Seliah said.
     "Well, I am a Ravager who just wants to become the greatest pilot ever. I want to prove myself to the crew I'm in. I grew up as a Ravager, but I'm originally from earth."
     "What's it like on earth?"
     "It's too simple to live there. There isn't any excitement. At least here there are options to explore."
Seliah got close to Peter's face and whispered.
     "Well, you have all the time in the world to explore."
Peter grabbed the side of her head. She got closer. Peter gently sucked on her lips. She set her glass down and climbed onto Peter's lap. Seliah wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and kissed him. Their tongues danced around. Peter grabbed at her back fondling with her shirt. She stood up and removed her blouse to reveal her knockers. Peter was stunned. She smiled and walked toward him. He took the last sip from his cup and set it down. Seliah took Peters hands and placed them on her boobs. She moved them around moaning slightly. Peter felt around. He used one hand to pull on her waist. He put his face in between her boobs and kissed her chest. He went to the left nipple and began sucking on it. He grabbed at her other one and she moaned louder. She rolled over onto the couch and he sat on top. Peter took off his shirt and jacket. Seliah gently unbuckled his belt. He studdered at first but slowed his breath. She pulled off his pants and slowly jerked his dick. Seliah tugged on it hard and licked it a little. Peter moaned loudly. Peter slowly began to lay backward. Seliah kept her mouth on him slowly sucking. Peter held her head. She sucked harder. Peter grabbed at her boobs and squeezed them hard. She got on top of him and sat on his dick moving up and down. Seliah moaned, but Peter moaned louder.

He woke up in his own bed. Yondu opened his door and walked in.

"Oh man! Peter you sure know how to ride!"

Peter grabbed his head and groaned.

"Uh, what happened?"

"What happened?! You had the best damn night of your life Pete! Your ass fell asleep, so I took ta back. Wasn't it fun?!"

"I suppose."

"Well, fun is over Peter. We got work to do."

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