The Chip

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They got back to the ship and Peter helped Kraglin to bed.
     "Thanks Pete." Kraglin said lying in bed.
Peter smiled and left his room being careful with the door.  He walked with Yondu to his own room. Yondu looked down at his watch. It started beeping like an alarm. Yondu stared at it wide eyed.
     "I've got some work I gotta get done Quill." Yondu said. "Why don't you get some sleep boy?"
Peter nodded and trotted off. Yondu hussled to the main deck and sat at his control console. He took out the chip that Peter had stolen from Knowhere and put it in his computer. It beeped and set off a small beeping sound. One of the Ravagers looked over at him.
     "Capn', someone is followin' us!" He exclaimed.
     "Not for long!" Yondu exclaimed. He pushed a large red button on the side of his chair and they hypersped away making 3 different jumps.

     "Damn it Yondu, why are you running?! Should I have paid him more? What is that son of a bitch up to and why hasn't he done what I asked?"
     "Maybe because it's against the ravager code?" A soft voice asked.
     "He's such a pussy! I'm gonna find that blue bastard and give him hell!"

     "We lost them Capn'." A ravager said.
     "Good, turn down the ship. We'll keep quiet until we are sure he has passed over." Yondu said.

3 weeks later.....

     "Get on your feet boy!!" Yondu exclamed.
Peter slowly got to his feet whimpering in pain. He spat blood to the ground.
Yondu swiped his arm. Peter put his arms up to block, but was too slow. He was knocked back to the ground. His head was cut open. He put his hand up to feel and blood dripped from his face.
     "Stop it!" Peter exclaimed.
     "That's enough for today." Yondu said. "Your too weak boy! You need to toughen up! Go to your room! Next time I'm taking your walkman for a week!"
Peter got up slowly whimpering and walked to his room. He grabbed a towel and put it to his head. Kraglin walked by, but Peter tried to hide his cut. Kraglin stopped and grabbed Peter's arm. He pulled it away and looked at his head. Kraglin reached out to look at the cut closer.
     "Kraglin!" Yondu exclaimed.
Kraglin stepped back. He looked toward the ground and walked away.
     "Go to your room Quill."
Peter walked off and put the towel back to his head. Back in his room he shut the door and put water on the towel. He placed it on his head and layed down. Peter winced in pain and let tears escape his eyes.
     "I can't take it anymore!" Peter said to himself. "I'm leaving tonight!"

Later that night Peter packed a bag, stiched up his cut, and grabbed his flashlight. The lights were off on the ship. He started walking carefully to the deck. His flashlight emited a soft light.
Peter turned a courner and bumped into something soft. He looked up to see the flaps of a leather jacket sticking out. Peter looked higher and saw Yondu's dark face beaming down on him. Peter tried to yell, but Yondu covered his mouth and pulled him into a hallway. Peter tried to escape, but Yondu was far stronger than him.
     "What the hell are you doin' Quill?!"
Peter tried muffling something. Yondu dragged him into an empty room and closed the door. Yondu let go of Peter.
     "I'm tired of you beating me up!!"
Yondu kneeled down.
     "Peter keep your voice down." Yondu said. "Listen, it's time for me to start bein' honest with you Pete. I beat you up so you can be tougher, so you can defend yourself. I can't say much, but someone out there wants you and I'm doing everything I can to keep you from them."
     "Let them get me. It's not like you want me anyways."
     "That's not the damn point Quill. I'm trying to keep you from them cause they want to kill you Peter. Look, some of the crew here still think that I'm soft on ya and that we shoulda eatin' you a while ago. I'm doin everything in my power to show them that's not true. That might mean me havin to be hard on ya."
Yondu stood up. "So Pete if you don't want to be killed or eaten I'm gonna need to punish you for tryin' to sneek out."
Peter nodded.
     "I can take it." Peter said.
He moved forward and hugged Yondu. He stepped back and tightened up. Yondu rubbed his fist and pulled it back. Peter closed his eyes tight.
     "I'm sorry Peter. I didn't want to do this."
Yondu thrusted his hand forward and it collided with Peter's eye. He fell to the ground wimpering. Yondu looked down feeling sorrowful. He held back tears.
     "Boy, to pull this off I'm gonna need to take this."
Yondu pulled Peter's walkman from his backpack. Peter stood up holding his eye.
     "No! Please no!! Anything, but my walkman please!" Peter exclaimed.
     "Quill I'm sorry. I know you love this thing, but I have to get the guys off my ass."
     "Just, please don't take it!"
     "Listen I'll take you to lunch tomorrow if I can take the walkman for 24 hour."
Peter sniffled.
     "Just don't break it please."
Yondu nodded and stuffed the walkman in the inside pocket of his jacket.
     "It's safe with me and you can't tell anyone about this Peter. It's against Ravager code."
     "Not even Kraglin?"
     "No, not even Krag. Go to bed now ok?"

The next morning Peter's eye was a multitude of colors. The ravagers looked st him strangely and when they went to ask Yondu about it he told them that Peter tried to sneak out, so he was punished. Kraglin went to Peter's room that afternoon to see what had happened. He saw Peter on his bed. His eye was bruised and swelling up. Kraglin grew wide eyed and ran inside.
     "Oh my god Pete, what did he do to you!? Kraglin touched Peter's eye.
     "It's fine Krag." Peter blew off.
     "No its not Pete! You are still a little kid. He can't treat you like this. What happened?"
     "He caught me trying to sneak out last night." Peter explained.
Kraglin came in and hugged Peter tightly.
     "I'm so sorry Quill." He said. "Wait why were you tryin to leave us Pete?"
     "I-I just don't like the way Yondu treats me."
     "I understand, but I would get lonely without you." Kraglin smiled. "Plus once you are a Ravager you can never turn back unless you are exiled. To be a Ravager is a commitment."
     "I remember Yondu telling me that."
     "If you were to escape, we would always find you and the Ravager code says to find escapers with the intent to kill. Once you are a Ravager you know things and if you escape, those things can leak out and give us away to the nova or anyone who wants us."
Kraglin looked at Peter's belt and noticed it was empty.
     "Where is your walkman?" Kraglin asked.
     "Yondu took that too."
Kraglin shook his head.
     "This is unacceptable!" Kraglin exclaimed. "I'm gonna get you some ice and then confront Yondu about this!"
Peter grabbed his arm.
     "Don't! Please don't. I-I don't want you to get in trouble too."
     "Peter, I don't care if I get in trouble! I care about you."
Peter grabbed him again and spoke calmly.
     "If you care about me you won't go."
Kraglin stopped and looked at the weakness in Peter's face. He took a step back and sighed.
     "Alright fine, but at least let me get you some ice."
Peter nodded and layed down.
     "That would be nice."

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