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The next day Peter was on the floor of his cell. He didn't get any sleep last night and he was very hungry. A Ravager walked over to the cage and noticed that Peter didn't eat his slop. He picked up the dish.
     "Do you eat kid?" The ravager asked. "This is the good stuff. I made it myself. Now its all old."
Peter didn't say anything.
The ravager looked across the hall and called out.
     "Hey Kraglin?" The ravager called out. "Come here man!"
A ravager with a large brown leather jacket came over to Peter's cell.
     "What is it? The man said with a southern accent.
     "Your human right? What can we feed this kid? He's not eating my signature dish." The ravager said.
Kraglin looked into the cage and knelt down.
     "Are you Peter?" Kraglin asked.
Peter nodded.
     "Are you hungry?" Kraglin asked.
     "No shit he's hungry Krag!" The ravager said.
Kraglin shooed him away with a hand motion. Peter nodded.
     "I know just the place." Kraglin said.
He picked up his intercom.
     "Hey Capn', I think I'm goin to take the kid to get a bite to eat on Zandar. We'll be back in an hour or two."
     "Fine, just don't get caught." Yondu said through the intercom.
Kraglin opened the gate and held out his hand to Peter. Peter looked up. Kraglin had spiked hair in the front and a short beared. He definetly was human, but what kind of a name was Kraglin? These things rolled through Peter's mind, but he grabbed Kraglin's hand and stood up. Kraglin took him to a small ship that was connected to the big ship. Peter sat down in the seat next to Kraglin's. In front of him was a large window overlooking space. He was about to get up and put his face against the window when Kraglin handcuffed him to the chair. Peter looked at his hand. The cuffs were electric.
     "Sorry kid. I have to keep ya on a tight leash or Yondu will eat both of us." Kraglin said.
Peter immediately sat in the seat. Kraglin sat in the pilots seat and turned on the monitors. He pushed a few buttons and the ship started up. Peter's chair started to rumble a bit. Kraglin slowly pushed a lever foreward and the ship started to move.
     "Woah." Peter said.
     "You ok Pete?" Kraglin asked.
     "This is my first time on a space ship." Peter said.
Kraglin chuckled.
     "Then you better hang on." Kraglin said.
He pushed a button and the ship jerked off and flew to the planet of Zandar. Before landing Kraglin pushed a button disguising the ship. He ripped off the flame patch from his jacket and pulled over his hood.
     "Listen to me Pete. This place is very strange and is full of people that could get us in trouble. So when we get off the ship I'm gonna take off these cuffs and your goin to hold hand, stay real quiet like, and not run off. Ok?" Kraglin said.
Peter didn't really have any other choice. He nodded.
Kraglin put a long leather jacket on him and pulled over his hood to cover Peter's face. Then he took off his hand cuffs and they walked out of the ship. It was very bright when the door opened. Peter tried to block it with his arm, but the scene came into view. They walked out into a plaza with thousands of Zandarians running around. Some had pink skin. Others were human. Some didn't even have human features. Kraglin walked Peter across the plaza and into a market. But it wasn't a market inside. Peter looked around to see humans eating at different tables. It looked like a futurisric McDonald's. Kraglin walked up to the counter and started speaking to the waiter. He turned to his side to look at Peter.
     "What would you like to eat Pete?" Kraglin asked. "Hamburger? Chicken nuggets?"
     "Hamburger please? With fries?" Peter said.
     "Anything to drink?" Kraglin asked.
     "Uh, Dr. Pepper?" Peter said.
     "You heard the kid. Hamburger with fries and Dr. Pepper please." Kraglin said.
He smiled down at Peter then walked over to a table to sit down. Peter looked around him. Everything was so unfamiliar, but at least Kraglin was here and was feeding him.
     "Hey Pete. I'm sorry this is happenin to ya. I got taken out when I was your age too. It's one hell of a life change though. It teaches ya some things about life."
     "Wait, you were taken too?" Peter asked.
     "Sure, thats how humans ended up out here. I just happen to be one that was taken from my momma. I still miss her. That's why I tell myself everyday that I'm doin this for her." Kraglin said.
     "And you've never gone back?" Peter asked.
     "No, it's against the Ravager code to do so. Once you come here. You can never go back." Kraglin said. "I don't mean to scare you Pete, but you can't go back home."
Two human men walk into the room wearing blue uniforms.
     "Pete keep your head down!" Kraglin said putting his hand on Peter's  head.
The two men were from the Nova corp. They both ordered food then sat down.
     "Shit, we better take our food to go." Kraglin said.
He stood up and grabbed Peter's hand. He took two bags from the counter with his name on it and the drinks and rushed out the door with Peter. They hussled back to the ship and took off. Kraglin handed Peter his bag of food and his drink.
     "You did good out there Pete!" Kraglin said.
     "Um, thanks for getting me food." Peter said.
     "No problem Pete. I like you kid, y'know?" Kraglin said. "You'll make an amazing Ravager."
Peter looked in his bag and pulled out his burger. It was wrapped in paper just like any other McDonald's burger. He opened it up and took a bite.
     "Woah!" Peter exclaimed.
Kraglin looked over at him.
     "Pretty good huh Pete?" Kraglin asked.
     "This is the best burger I've ever tasted!" Peter exclaimed.
     "Try the fries." Kraglin said pointing to the bag.
Peter pulled out a few fries and shoved them in his mouth.
     "These are amazing!" Peter said. "Why do they taste different?"
     "Zandar has the perfect soil for planting potatoes and the best climate for farming cows." Kraglin said. "Pretty cool, ey?"
     "Why don't you guys live there?" Peter asked.
     "Well y'see Pete. The Nova corp doesn't really like us Ravagers, and neither do the Zandarians. Thats why I took the patch off my jacket, so we could go undercover to get our food." Kraglin said. He put the fire patch back onto his jacket.
Peter looked at him curiously.
     "Are you guys bad people?" Peter asked.
     "No, of course not Pete. We just see the galaxy different from them. We make our own rules." Kraglin explained.
They got back to the main ship and Kraglin took Peter to a bedroom.
     "What's this?" Peter asked.
     "I've been talkin to the cap'n and he agreed to let you have a bedroom if you promised to stay in it." Kraglin said.
Peter's face lit up.
     "I promise!" Peter said.
     "Good, cause if you don't the cap'n will eat you." Kraglin said. "Oh and I also got this for you."
Kraglin pulled out Peter's walkman from his pocket.
     "My walkman!!" Peter exclaimed. "Thankyou Kraglin!"
Peter took it from his hand, and jumped up and down in excitement. Then he threw his arms around Kraglin's neck and squeezed him tightly. Kraglin was shocked at first, but then put an arm around Peter hugging him tightly. Peter let go and hopped on his new bed and looked around the room. He kicked his legs that dangled from his bed. It was small,but at least it wasn't a smelly cell. He had a small bathroom connected to his room as well. Kraglin waved goodbye and shut the door.

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