My Boy

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😎This book is back! I've been working on other books and haven't gotten the chance to work on this one again. This chapter is a little short, but I felt like I needed to write something. It's been ages! Please vote if you enjoy this chapter!~Maddy😎

"Yondu to Krag?"

"I hear ya loud and clear boss."

"You got our getaway ship ready?"

"I still gotta read the flight manual. Normally these thing are driven with tentacles."

"Damn it. We need more time. I'll buy ya some. Where you at Quill?"

"Star Lord is in position cap'n."

Yondu glanced up to see Peter in his sniping position across the warehouse. Peter aimed and took several guards out. He flashed a small white from his spot giving Yondu the signal to move. Yondu nodded a bit and began moving in close to the ground.

"Star Lord moving to the loading doc, over?"

"I hear ya. Movin' in."

Yondu moved down the narrow halls of an enemy ship. Kraglin was working on hijacking one of their escape pods. They were on the ship of a rouge group of ravagers who were stealing from the wrong people and disobeying the code. Yondu had used his gun to take out several of their guards. They were planning to take anyone who surrendered back to the ship for lock up and judgment. Yondu got to a control room with several men inside. He began shooting around the room, but stopped when he felt his arm being grabbed by a guard. He backhanded the guard in the nose, but was quickly stopped when more men began grabbing him. There were too many of them. Peter had hacked their security footage from the escape pod. There were too many guards. He gasped when he saw Yondu was captured. He called to him over the coms.

"Yondu! Get out of there!"

He couldn't respond. They tied him down and sat him in a chair. Yondu refused to struggle. Peter looked up at Kraglin who had his hands in a mess of wires under a control console. Kraglin looked nack at Peter and gasped.

"Peter, don't you dare! The cap'n will be alright now. Don't be a hero!"

"Sorry Krag."

Peter loaded his space blaster and ran to the other side of the ship. He was still small enough to climb into one of the vents. He navigated his way to the control room. He could hear a man screaming at Yondu. Peter kicked the vent open and jumped down landing shots on the guards holding down Yondu.

"You're supposed to be on the ship boy!"

"Not without you!"

Several men tried to take their guns out, but Peter fought back. He got into a fist fight punching one of the guards to the ground. He felt someone grab his shoulder and he fell down. Two guards grabbed him and brought him to his knees. He squirmed for freedom, but the guards were much stronger than him. The man that appeared to be shouting at Yondu walked up to Peter with an evil snare. Yondu looked worried.

"C'mon Shacrix he's just a kid!"

"Yeah, he's not the only one messin' with our operation."

The man drew his hand back and thrusted it into Peter's face. Peter's head went back. He groaned in pain and looked at the ground. Shacrix kneeled down looking at Peter. He started to cry.

"You better get the hell away from him!" Yondu exclaimed.

He squirmed in his seat trying to reach out to Peter.

"Now. Are you gonna be good you little rat?"

Peter laughed a bit and looked up at Shacrix. He spat a big wad in the mans face.

"Go to hell." Peter muttered.

Shacrix stood up and stared down at Peter. He threw his closed fist at his face again. It nearly knocked Peter out. Blood splattered everywhere. Yondo gritted his teeth and made an O with his mouth. He made a sharp whistle making his arrow fly from its holster. It zipped around the room taking out the guards holding Peter and himself down. He stood up from the chair and fired the arrow into Shacrix's hand and pinned it to a control table. He exclaimed in pain.

"Damn you Yondu!"

Yondu slammed the mans head into the table shattering the glass. Peter stood and wiped his nose. The man exclaimed from under Yondu's hand.

"No one hits my boy!"

Yondu looked up at Peter.

"You ok?"

He nodded sniffling a bit.

"Good, now turn around. I don't want you to see this."

Peter turned his head and crossed his arms. He gritted his teeth as he heard screaming and bones being broken behind him. Suddenly the screaming stopped and Peter heard a body thud to the ground. Yondu walked over and motioned Peter out the door. He attempted to look behind him, but Yondu turned his head away.

"Don't look back Quill. They made their decision."

He looked up at Yondu. Yondu wiped Peter's face as they walked to the escape pod. Kraglin saw them come in.

"Cap'n, thank god! Pete? Oh goddamn wha'd they do to ya?"

"I'm fine Kraglin. Let's just go."

"Are we ready?" Yondu asked.

"Yes cap'n."

"Start her up and blow their ship."

"Sir? No surrenders?"

"No. Let's get outta here." Yondu said.

He sat in his seat and put a hand to his head. Peter took his own seat next to Krag. He looked over at Yondu curiously.

"What's up with him?"

"He cares about you Pete. He's worried. The cap'n thinks that he hasn't done a decent job trainin' ya. What happens if we send ya on a mission by yourself and you can't defend yourself?"

"Hm. Didn't think he'd care so much."

Peter walked up to Yondu's seat. His face was still in his hand.


"Not now Quill."

"I was just wondering if maybe you'd teach me something new tomorrow durring training? I feel like I could've done better on this mission."

Yondu lowered his hand and smirked a bit. He put his other hand to Peter's shoulder.

"Sure boy. We can work on somethin' new."

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