Christmas Lights | HBD OLIVER!

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Fukase POV

It was was December 20th. Five days till Christmas. But one day till the best day of the year. A certain choir boy's birthday.

I grabbed the small present that sat on my bedside and hurried out the door into the car that waited outside.

I huffed out a sigh closing the car door behind me, escaping from the cold air outside.

"Couldn't we do this on the day OF Oliver's birthday?" Piko asked adjusting the heater in the drivers seat.

"Nah trust me guys it's way more special like this." I said.

Flower turned around in the passenger seat to look back at me. "So what'd you get him?"

"That's a secret." I said looking down at the gift I held in my hands.

"I bet it's a ring" Piko smirked starting the engine and backing out of my driveway.

"He said he was going to confess not marry him stupid!" Flower said punching his arm.

"Alright! Alright!" Piko exclaimed defensively.

I chuckled and looked out the window to the winter wonderland outside.

Everything was covered in a blanket of white. It looked beautiful.


"We're here!" Piko exclaimed.

I shifted to the right side of the car and saw Oliver's house. My heart started beating and my palms started sweating.

Flower looked in the side mirror and looked at me. "You chickening our already?"

"N-no! I'm getting out now! Hide this in the glove compartment!" I said putting the small box in between them as I exited the car.

I slowly walked to the doorstep, crunching the snow underneath me. With every deep exhale I made, the air kept reminding me of how evident my nervousness was growing.

I knocked on the door twice with my freezing hands, shifting my weight on my feet for every second there wasn't a response.

My heart started to skip a beat when it finally opened. I looked up to be face to face with Yohioloid.

He crossed his arms and laid on the doorframe.  "Let me guess. You're here for Oliver aren't you pretty eyes?"

I smirked and crossed my arms. "Don't be mad that I'm just blessed with god given charm"

He laughed shaking his head. "Alrighty then. Where you guys going?"

"We're going to see the Christmas lights" I say hesitantly for approval. Is he interrogating me? That's the type of thing parents do isn't it?!

"Just you two?"

"With two other friends." I say moving to the right and motioning so he sees Piko's car.

"You aren't going to pull anything fishy are you?"

"And you aren't staying on your college campus?" I ask, getting fed up with his questions.

"Okay hot shot, better not take him home"


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