I: school trip?

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annie's pov:
my family and i moved to los angeles from maryland about a year ago. i am in eighth grade, hayley is in fourth. too many bad things happened in maryland, and there were more opportunities in los angeles. my best friend is jayden. at school, our main friend group is me, jayden, kenzie, dylan, and lauren. we aren't popular, but we aren't antisocial. basically, we are in the middle. we don't care how popular we are, we like where we are. lauren is twins with johnny, and they are the complete opposites. since they are twins, we are also friends with johnny, but not super close.
my alarm clock woke me up.
"good morning!" my mom said.
"too early mom" i said, pushing the camera away.
"get up annie or you'll be late!" my mom said.
i got ready. we take jayden to school everyday, so we got into the car drove to her house which was only a couple houses down. she jumped into the car.
"good morning" i said, passing her a croissant. we listened to some music on the way to school.
"thanks mom" i said, giving her a hug. my mom dropped us off at school.
"love you!" my mom said.
"love you too!" me and jayden said, we both laughed.
we walked into school together, as usual. whenever either of us is sick, it's miserable. her locker was closer to the entrance of the eighth grade hallway since her last name is bartels, and mine is leblanc.
"see you in math!" i said to jayden.
"see you!" she responded.
"hey dyl!" i said to dylan, since her locker is near jayden's, due to the alphabetical order.
"hey annie!" she said.
i walked down the hallway to my locker. luckily, mads locker is right next to mine. leblanc and lewis. lauren's is a couple lockers down. i opened my locker. mads and i gossiped a bit.
"are you sure loren and harvey aren't together?" mads asked.
"i don't know honestly. neither of them will admit it" i said.
loren and harvey were older than us, but everyone in the school knew them.
i walked to class and mads went to hers. we only had pe together, but that was at the end of the day. my first class was near the end of the lockers. i always walked by mackenzie, and greeted her.
i didn't really like my first class because i didn't know any one. well i did, but it was the only class where i didn't have one of my best friends in it.
new seating chart. great.
my new seat is in the back and i sit next to johnny and hayden. great. i was in between two best friends. i only knew johnny because of lauren, and i didn't know hayden and i was never interested in knowing him. he was more popular then i was, and we never really talked. he was friends with johnny, carson, rush, caden, and brandon. so many girls melted over all of them, which i didn't understand why. hayden and johnny started talking over me, and i was just sitting in between them. it was pretty awkward. the bell rung and as soon as i knew it, it was lunch. my friends and i met up at the water fountain at the middle of the eighth grade lockers hallway. we walked down to our usual table.
"are you guys going on the europe trip?" kenzie asked.
"i want to, i'm going to ask my parents" i said.
"i can't go because my parents already planned a vacation for us in europe" mads said.
"aww" dylan said.
"oh yeah lauren i sit next to your brother now" i said.
"that must be fun" lauren said.
"and hayden is next to me too" i added.
"lucky!" kenzie said, she thought hayden was hot.
"i thought you liked brandon" dylan said.
"i can still think someone else is hot" kenzie said. we all laughed.
once school was over, i ran into the car. i took jayden to school, but i didn't take her home because she usually had dance rehearsal.
"mom!" i said.
"what annie?" mom asked.
"can i go to the europe school trip?" i asked.
"i'll talk to dad about it" she said.
that usually meant a yes. i got home did my homework, i watched liza's new video, ate dinner, showered, and got ready for bed.
"annie?" my mom said, knocking on my door.
"yes?" i said.
"you can go to europe!" she said.
i texted the group chat with my friends on it and said that i could go. it is in a week and tomorrow is the last day to confirm, so i started packing. i went to bed.
this was going to be a good trip.

a/n: hannie is coming soon! i'm also thinking about adding some jenzie! i'm going to skip the week at school, so it can be more interesting. woah this is the longest chapter i've ever written! i'm really excited for this book! comment any ideas!
ps next chapter might be hayden's pov!

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