XV: ferry

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annie's pov:
today, we are going to france. me and kenz packed our stuff and headed for the door. as soon as we opened our door, the boys did too.
together, we all walked to the breakfast hall and ate. we were all super stoked to go to france.

"you know what they say about france?" kenzie whispered in my ear.
"what?" i responded.
"paris— it's the city of love" kenzie said, laughing.

today was a simple day, since most of today was getting settled in france. we all went on the bus, i sat with jayden today. tomorrow, we are going to disneyland in paris. we all sat in the bus for a good hour and then arrived at the dock.

i was walking on the dock, when all of a sudden i felt someone hug me from behind.
"hayden!" i said, laughing.
he put his arms around my waist from behind. he completely surprised me. he grabbed my hand as we walked on the ferry.

this ferry was super cool. it kind of looked like the inside of a train and airplane. it was four people per row, so i sat in between kenzie and hayden, and next to kenzie was johnny. luckily, the ride was only about an hour. we sat there talking and playing cards. as soon as we knew it, the ride was over and we exited the ferry.
we walked up to an amazing hotel. we walked up to our room. we still had about an hour until we got to eat lunch.

"i'm starving" i said.
"doritos?" kenzie asked, opening a bag.
i smiled and we ate an entire bag in 2 seconds.

someone knocked on our door. i opened it.
"hey anns" hayden said, scrunching his nose and tapping my nose.
"hey hay" i said, mimicking his.
his and johnny's room was directly across from ours again.

i went to the window and looked out at the amazing view.
"wow the view is so pretty" i said.
"but your even prettier" hayden said.
"you're such a dork" i said, hugging him.

we unpacked and headed downstairs for lunch

hayden's pov:
tonight is going to be special. i have something amazing planned for when we go to the eiffel tower.

we all went downstairs and ate with the usual people we eat with. the food was amazing. me and annie decided to get a shake together and share it.

i looked at her with amazement, she is just so beautiful. she is so pretty.

a/n: i'm so sorry for this boring chapter especially after such a long wait! i promise the next chapter is going to be amazing at the eiffel tower! it might be a while for the next one because i have finals :/

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