III: takeoff

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annie's pov:
"i'll miss you hay!" i said, hugging her.
i hugged dad, since he couldn't go with mom to the airport.
my mom drove me to the airport, and i met up with my friends. i said goodbye to my mom, and hugged her tightly.
we waited in line to get our bags checked and we gossiped probably the whole time in line. once we got through security, we got separated into groups.
"these are the people you will be near on the plane" one of the chaperones said. i looked around and saw jayden, connor, and hayden. the flight was about to leave in about 20 minutes or so.
"starbucks?" i asked everyone.
everyone nodded in excitement and we ordered out drinks. i got a pink drink and so did hayden.
"you got good taste" hayden said to me.
i smiled at him.
we walked back to the gate. our chaperone handed out our seat tickets. unfortunately, we couldn't pick where we sat. we all compared our tickets.
row f seat b
i read off my ticket.
i immediately went to jayden.
row g seat b
jayden's ticket said.
"seriously one letter apart" jayden said.
"at least you're in front of me" i said.
i then went to see connor's ticket.
row g seat a
his ticket said.
i lastly went to hayden.
row f seat a
his ticket said.
"looks like we're sitting together" he said.
i tried to hold back my excitement. i mean i didn't like him, i just thought this would
be a good opportunity to get to know him. plus he was kinda cute.
hayden's pov:
we walked onto the plane together. we sat in our seats. annie sat in the window seat, and i looked at her eyes fill with amazement.
"10 hours of sitting in a plane!" jayden said, turning around from the seat in front of us.
"i mean at least we all know each otherit would've been awful to sit with random people" connor said.
our flight took off around 10 pm, it was a late flight. i noticed annie taking a picture.
"i'm sending my streaks" annie said.
"woah wait! let me get in it!" i said.
she took a picture of us, and saved it to her memories.
"what's your snapchat? we can start a streak together" annie said.
"@summerallhayden" i said.
she added me and i screenshotted her streaks.
she looked at me.
"what i look cute in this" i said.
she chuckled, "i know you do" she said.
i don't think she meant to say that because she then made a worried face.
"you do too" i said.
she smiled, and looked relieved.
this is was very unexpected. never in a million years would i be talking to annie, or even be friends with her. it's not like she wasn't unpopular, it was just that most guys in my friend group would never go for anyone that wasn't super popular.
i texted johnny:
hayden: yo who you sitting with?
johnny: kenzie. wbu?
hayden: annie
johnny: kenzie's actually pretty cool.
hayden: i know i'm so glad that we are becoming friends with annie's friend group.
i turned my plane on airplane mode. what was i going to do without wifi for 10 hours?
"annie you okay?" i said, she looked very nervous.
"i've never gone on a flight without my parents before" she said.
i put my hand out, and she grabbed it.
"you'll be okay" i said.
she smiled at me and we held hands for the take off.

a/n: i need ideas! please feel free to comment ideas down below or dm me! it would be very much appreciated. next chapter might be jenzie? not sure! thank you guys!

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