XI: stories

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hayden's pov:
last night when i got back into my hotel room, i told johnny everything that happened.
"dude that's good for you! meanwhile, i can't even figure out how to tell kenzie i like her" johnny said.
"we're going to little venice tomorrow. why don't you tell her how you feel then?" i suggested.
"good idea!" johnny agreed.
annie's pov:
my alarm clock woke me up. i sat up and smiled, remembering last night.
"hey kenz, do you mind if i sit with hayden on the bus today?" i asked her.
"yeah, i was planning on sitting with john anyways" kenz said.
we got ready for the day.
i texted the groupchat.
annie: you guys ready?
hayden: actually yes
kenzie: woah this is the first time we've both been ready at the same time
johnny: weird
we met up outside and walked to the elevator down to breakfast. i grabbed hayden's hand, and johnny and kenzie squealed at us like two fangirls. hayden took me on a date last night, so we were officially dating.
once we walked into the dining hall where breakfast was being served, many people looked at me and hayden walking in together, but we didn't care what other people thought. we ate all of our breakfast, and went back up to our hotel rooms to get ready. i hugged hayden goodbye, even though i would see him in 30 minutes.
i put a white romper on that had floral designs embroidered in. i curled my hair, and kenzie wore a pink laced romper.
we met hayden and johnny downstairs. once again, i held hands with hayden. i sat next to hayden on the bus, and we drove to little venice. hayden and i talked about how we never wanted this trip to end, and we both agreed it was the best trip we'd ever been. he told me stories about his brothers.
"i can't wait to meet them" i said smiling.
we discussed what we were going to do after this trip.
we arrived at little venice, and it was beautiful.
"you guys can either ride a canoe with one other person or a small boat with a couple of people" our chaperone said.
hayden and i ran to a small canoe. mackenzie and johnny went to another one.
we got onto the canoe, and hayden snapped a picture of me.
"boat rides with her💜" hayden captioned the picture.
wepaddled the canoe farther away from the dock. he got some water out from the cannal and splashed it on my face.
"hayden!" i said, laughing and splashing him back even more.
it turned into a water fight, but luckily we didn't get soaked. we ended up really far from the dock, to the point where we had been separated from the group. we were under some trees. the day was beautiful, it was sunny and the perfect temperature.
"annie you're beautiful" hayden said, staring at me.
i smiled at him and blushed, like really hard. i tried to hide it, but he noticed.
"don't try to hide it! it's cute" hayden added.
there was a moment where we just stared at each other. hayden looked into my eyes. he leaned in and kissed me. we kissed for a while, but it was perfect. i couldn't have thought of a more perfect first kiss. we were on a canoe under a beautiful tree, on a canal, in a stunning country. everything about this moment was perfect.
he looked at me and smiled at me. i smiled back.
johnny's pov:
kenz and i rode our canoe away from our dock. she was so stunning. i took a video of her paddling us outwards and looked for a cool geotag.
"hey kenz?" i asked.
"yeah?" she replied.
"i just wanted to tell you that i've liked you ever since i've met you, but i just realized it a couple days ago" i said.
"johnny! i've felt the same way about you" kenzie said.
we smiled at each other and i tried to give her a hug, but it didn't work because we were sitting across from each other.
we both laughed hysterically at my attempt to hug her. we paddled back to our dock.
annie's pov:
all of us met back at the bus. it was now dinner time and we were going to a restaurant. this time, i sat with kenzie. i needed to tell her everything!
"annie! you'll never believe what just happened!" kenzie said, running up to me.
"no, you'll never believe what happened to me" i said.
"okay you go first!" kenzie and i both said at the same time.
"no you first!" we both said, laughing.
"okay fine, i'll go first" kenzie said.
"i'm all ears" i said, as i buckled my seatbelt.
"johnny told me he liked me!" kenzie said, quietly, since johnny and hayden were right next to us.
"no way!" i said while hugging her, "i'm so happy for you kenz"
"okay what were you going to tell me" kenzie said.
"well we" i said, but kenzie cut me off. she signaled that hayden and johnny were listening in our conversation.
i mouthed hayden's name and pointed at him, subtly, i pointed at myself and made a kissing face.
kenzie started laughing at me for my kissing face. she then smiled at me and squealed.
we arrived at the restaurant and it was just me, hayden, johnny, and kenzie.
we sat down at our table and johnny wrapped his arms around his chest and made a goofy kissing face. i knew he was teasing me and hayden. we all laughed at him and hayden mimicked johnny saying, "oh kenzie! i love you so much! marry me!"
we all laughed. it was nice that we could all be friends and make fun of each other at the same time.
we ate our food, and got back onto the bus. i sat next to jayden, and explained everything to her, and i mean everything.
"annie i don't need to know the color of the trees above you guys!" jayden said, laughing.
"but seriously, how cute!" jayden added.
we got back to the hotel. hayden and i held hands up to the hotel room, and so did kenzie and johnny. we hugged each other goodbye, and i kissed hayden on the cheek.
"see you tomorrow" i said in hayden's ear when i was hugging him.
"goodnight babe" hayden said in my ear.
i turned red. i smiled at him and walked into our room.
as soon as we got there, kenzie and i crashed.

a/n: sorry for not posting yesterday, i was celebrating christmas! i will probably post more tomorrow!

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