XIII: post it note

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hayden's pov:
i smiled at the thought of yesterday. this trip was almost over, and i never wanted it to be over.
i woke up and i saw some sticky notes that the hotel had. i wrote on it,
"good morning beautiful :)
i slipped it under her door.
i know i could've just texted her, but i liked the sticky note better. i would've asked johnny if he'd want to do the same thing, but johnny was still sleeping, and i'm sure kenzie was too.
annie's pov:
"what's this piece of paper?" i asked kenzie.
"i have no idea" kenzie said.
i picked it up and read it. i smiled. i put it in my suitcase.
"what is it?" kenzie asked.
i showed it to her.
"aw how cute!" kenzie said.
i texted hayden.
annie: the sticky note was cute summerall
hayden: a cute girl deserves something cute :)
annie: :)
i met johnny and hayden and we went downstairs. we ate pancakes and went upstairs to get ready for the day. today we'd be visiting the royal opera house. we'd been told to dress fancy, considering we were watching opera.
we went to our rooms and changed.
i put on a white sparkling long dress with some white heels. kenzie put on a black sparkling long dress with black heels. kenzie and i both curled our hair.
"we look so good!" kenzie said.
i smiled at her and we took some pictures.
i texted the group chat.
annie: you guys ready?
hayden: yea
we met them outside.
"you look stunning ans" i said.
"you too hay" annie replied.
he was wearing a long sleeve, but he rolled it up. which made him look 10 times cuter.
annie's pov:
we arrived at the opera show. i took some pictures with hayden, and sat next to him. we all sat down and watched the opera.
"i want to perform on a stage one day hay" i said.
he smiled at me and put his arm around me. he then grabbed my other hand.
he started lip syncing to the opera singers.
"you're a dork" i said.
"you love me" hayden said, jokingly.
i didn't take it as a joke though. i did love him.

the show ended. we all clapped. they were amazing, but i was starving now.
we went to a mall that had a food court.
"choose anything you want, you're welcome to walk around, just meet back here at 2" our chaperone said.
"chipotle?" hayden asked.
"chipotle!" i said.
we ordered our food and sat with our friends. we all talked about how amazing the show was. it was a little weird to see everyone in their super fancy clothes in a shopping mall, but it was still fun. we ate our food and decided to walk around, since we still had an hour left.
we walked to several stores before going into francesca's. i walked over to the jewelry.
"this is so pretty!" i showed hayden a blue bracelet.
he looked over at a purple one.
"how about this? i buy a blue one to remind me of you, and i buy you a purple one to remind you of me?" hayden asked me.
(a/n: sound familiar?)
"that's sounds awesome! but there's no way i'm letting you pay for this" i said.
"no there's no way i'm letting you pay for it" hayden said.
we went to the register, and while i was bringing out my money, hayden quickly gave the lady at the cash register money.
"seriously hay?" i said.
"it's the least i could do" he said.
"thank you" i said, hugging him.
we immediately put them on. at this point, we had completely drifted apart from our friends. i wonder if they even noticed we left.
"uh oh" i said.
"what?" he asked.
"hayden! it's 1:56!" i said.
"we're doing this again?" hayden asked, laughing.
i grabbed his hand and we ran like wolves were chasing us. we laughed as we ran into a lot of people, again. we arrived at the parking lot at 1:59. just in time.
"seriously guys? again?" kenzie asked, laughing.
we all got on the bus and drove to the london eye.
hayden's pov:
we arrived at the london eye. all of our friends rode in one cart, but we all split up into groups in the cart. it was just me and annie on one side.
"hayden i'm scared" annie said, grabbing onto me.
"annie, i'm right here, you'll be okay i promise" i said.
"you promise?" she asked.
"i promise" i said, smiling.
once we got to the top, i put my arm around her. she looked at me, and i looked into her eyes. it was a perfect moment. i leaned it and kissed her.
"you still scared?" i asked, smiling.
she nodded her head no and smiled at me.
once it was over, we only had time for dinner, which was going to be at the hotel.
we arrived at the hotel and all of our friends ate together. kenzie snapped a pic of all of us and captioned it, "don't know what i'd do without them"
we finished eating. kenzie and johnny finished earlier then us and both decided they wanted to call it a night, so they left earlier than us.
"my feet are killing me" annie said, taking off her high heel.
i grabbed her and put her on my back.
"hayden you don't have to" annie said.
"of course i do" i said, walking with her on my back to our room.
i put her down.
"goodnight annie" i said.
"goodnight hayden" she said.
i hugged her and kissed her forehead.

a/n: i'm so sorry for not posting! hope you guys like this. please comment ideas! i really need more!

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