back to school

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annie's pov:
"we're here!" i texted jayden.
a few seconds passed, and she was in the car.

"good morning ms. katie!" jayden said, throwing her backpack into our car.
"good morning jayden" mrs. katie replied.

we met up with our friend group at school.
"i hate mondays" mads said.
"me too" lauren said.
"me three" dylan added.
"hey are they here yet?" i asked kenzie
"there's hayden," kenzie said pointing to him, "and.. there's johnny" who was walking behind him.

"good morning beautiful" hayden said, hugging me.
"good morning" i said, smiling.

kenzie and johnny greeted each other with a hug as well.
it's the monday after we got back on friday. most of us are still jet-lagged and exhausted, but i was excited to see hayden.

the bell rung.
"seriously? already?" dylan said.
"bye guys see you all at lunch" lauren said.

"bye johnny!" kenzie said.
"bye kenz!" johnny said.

i had first period with johnny and hayden. i started laughing at the thought of how unhappy i was when i figured out i had to sit between them a couple of weeks ago.

me, johnny, and hayden all walked together. hayden and i were holding hands, and johnny was standing on the other side of hayden.

we sat through our boring class.

all of my classes went by rather quick, and as soon as i knew it, it was lunch.

i met up with my friends at the fountain and we all walked down to our table.

i look over and see hayden waving his hand for us to go over. he was sitting at our table with johnny.

"he's so embarrassing" i said, turning red.
we threw our lunches on the table.

i sat next to hayden. mackenzie and johnny sat across from us. the rest of our friend group was scattered around the table.

we all talked about our days.
once lunch was over, i continued with my boring classes.

the bell rung. school was over.

i met up with hayden at his locker.

we walked out of school together, holding hands.

a/n: hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter! please feel free to comment any ideas for a new book. thank you guys so much for all the support!

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