There are no smiles

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Izaya POV

I got out of bed and for some reason felt nothing as I got dressed for the day. As I thought back to mine and Shizou~chan's fight from the day before I started crying remembering the words I heard from him before I passed out from exhaustion " why won't you do us all a favor and die already!" as more people started chanting the words over and over again. 





Hurry up and do everyone a favor and die already. 


After that the voices in my head stopped. I walked into the bathroom with one of my switchblades and locked the door. I then started crying saying "I'm sorry for everything that I have done to all of you. I thought that if you suffered along with me then I will feel less pain but it didn't work. So I'm sorry..." Then I slit my wrist on both arms as the door was busted down.

Shizou's POV

I woke up feeling terrible for the things that I said to Izaya yesterday when I took out my anger on Izaya and told him to die. " Oh shit... I just remembered that Izaya was suicidal. And I told him to go do us all a favor and go die." 

"SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!" I quickly started sprinting towards Izaya's house and about 10 minutes later I got to his house. I knocked three times but no one responded then I knew that something was wrong. I kicked down almost all of the doors before I found Izaya on the floor barely alive. I sped down all of the streets to Shinra's house and knocked at the door and since of course he just had to not be a morning person he had to slap me when he opened the door.

Shinra's POV

I got woken by someone knocking at the door and I slapped them immediately regretting my decision as he slapped me right back because of course it had to be Shizou. I then looked in his arms and saw the most horrifying sight of Izaya in his arms bleeding to death barely alive mumbling "I'm sorry..." every second as he was quickly bleeding to death. Then I ran him inside and hooked him up to the heart monitor and it quickly went flat line.

No one's POV

It has now been 3 days since Izaya's death and while everyone else is out celebrating and cheering Shizou is inside he apartment and hasn't come out since his death. Shinra stopped being the underground doctor that was once cheerful and won't smile anymore. Now anyone that knew the real Izaya is devastated and won't smile anymore. There are no smile among these friends only tears for the most important friend of the group.

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