For the heck of it

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I watched his jet black hair as he ran in front of me, gracefully dodging the large items I threw at him. It pissed me off that I couldn't catch him. He just pisses off everyone in general. Even his sisters wish they weren't related to that freak. "Izaaaayyyyaaaaaa! Get over here so I can beat you. Better yet, just stay out of Ikiburo!"

I had finally gotten him out of the city. Or so I had thought. I was taking my night time stroll to call off when I saw the familiar jacket that belonged to an annoying someone. The only thing that made me stay quiet was the fact that he was a) for once in his life quiet, and b) he was really close to the edge with his arms open. I opened the door up to the rooftop he was on, surprised he didn't hear the creaking. I was about to go over and yell at him, but was to shocked at the words I heard from him. " 2 more days of this hell hole. That's it. I can finally say goodbye to shizuo and everyone else with no regrets." I saw a faint smile come across his features and got angered, storming down the roof stairs, I grabbed a cigarette and lit it on my way back home. I just wished that I stayed longer to hear the rest of what he said. 

****magical time skip to the next day****

My second to last day on this hell called Earth. I managed to get everyone to hate me. Even my bestfriends. Good. Everything is going exactly as planned. I was crossing the road when I saw a kid that was going to get his ball but had frozen at the sound of a truck. Realizing that people just stopped and stared with sick fascination and fear in their eyes and no one was going to help, I quickly started to go at a quick jog, then a sprint as the car came closer with every passing second. People seemed shocked that I was running, and looked back with fear, looking for Shizuo. The car was about a foot away from the kid, but I was closer. With my last burst of energy, I went up to the kid and pushed him out of the way. People watched in morbid fascination as the car came closer to me this time. Staring wode-eyed at the kid, I asked if he was okay. He nodded yes frantically, and told me to run. I turned around and told him to cover his eyes, as I counted. I told him, we're going to play hide and seek. Everyone watched, holding their breath, expecting me to trade place with the kid. Taking advantage of him. No. I'm getting the only wish I asked for everyday that I came home. To hurry up amd die. I looked at the crowed of on lookers, and smiled with teaes streaming down my face. That's when they seemed to get it, and started cheering. "they all became silent as the driver, no longer looking panicked, started to speed up, I said the words to everyone that I had always wanted to say, "i'm sorry. I hope you're hppy without me. Goodbye." My little sisters were in tye small crowd on the side walk that was no longer watching with fascination, instead screaming for me to run with the little boy that had uncovered his eyes. "Cover your eyes again!" This time i'll count down from 20 and you don't uncover your eyes until someobe te'l you too. Understood?" The boy did as told. Then I counted down. As I cpunted down, I started crying, remembering all the good times I had with my friend and family until my eye color changed. " goodbye." Then everything started to fade out with the screams, the last thing I saw was the driver's eression of pur glee, as he ran into me with the front of the car.

Shizuo POV

I saw everyone making a rukus, anf went to see what it was all about. Apparently, a boy was about to get hit by a car. No one was doing anything, then people started to look back, ad it all happened so quickly. He turned around and smile with tears streaming down his face. I saw people suddenly go from watching with sick satisfaction, tk crying, screaming for him to rjn and get out of the way. He didn't budge. The only words I heard were goodbye, and I hope your happy. Then all hell broke loose. The bky who had still no uncovered his eyes, was miraculously still standing with tears going down his face. I stared horrified at the mangled body of izaya Orihara. Then I noticed something no one eldse had. His body was slowly mending itself back together. No kne noticed, until they heared popping of his bone repairing themselves, and his screams of agony, as his body tore apairt and re-built itself. I couldn't help but cry with the few people who weren't vomoting on the ground. 

Two people walked up to him, "it looks like the experiement worked. We have no more use for this pathetic son of ours." He stood up, just as shocked as the rest of us, " what did you do to me? What did you tk tk me?!" 

"simple really. We just made you into a weapon for the military tl use. But you ran away before we could hand you over to them tk use you as they please. Be it something as simple as a sex toy to release stress. Anything to get rid of you. Suddenly Izaya's younger sisters walked up. It was as if the parents had just remembered where they stood. They auickly ran up to the sisters, giving them a hug. Or at least they tried. "how do you know that Izaya-nee would be good for stress relief dad?" He seemed to freeze at the question. " you wouldn't know unless you raped him. And mom was okay with it?" I saw Izaya walk up to his 'father' smiling. "you know the one thing I just thought that this ability wouldn't be able to repair?" His dad looked at him wierdly, then scared as Izaya pulled out a knife he had in his pocket. "the heart. The only way it would be able to repair my body was if my heart was still beating." Izaya's mom, understanding smiles sadisticly, " why don't we test that theory?" She didn't seem to notice the red dot on hwr back, but it seemed that Izaya did. He ran behind her, just as the fire spunded. "momma. I'm scared." His mom seemed to be brought bacl to Earth as be said that. She looked around confused. I noticed that her eyes went from the same grey as her husband to red. "my babay boy! Hold on sweetie. Momma's right here. Momma's not leaving." Everyone watched the display of affection with tears as the dad looked annoyed that the mom wasn't on the dark side anymore, and crying over Izaya. By now she was cradling him in her lap, crying for him to stay with her. Then she went hysterical after a short pause. Her eyes widened, andshe screamed. It was a heartbreaking sight. She was begging for him to wake up along with his sisters. 


The reason I had been out that night was because I was on my way to tell Izaya Orihara that I loved him. I was going to ask if he could be my special person with me for the rest of my life. So if you hear this from above Izaya, I love you." 

The funeral had been over cor a while. I had been in my kitchen holding a knife. Then I decided. I plunged the knife into my heart. The same spot Izaya was shot in. That night I died, and was reunited with the person I love. Together to this very day, we are watching over the ones we loved and cherished.


This was something I wrote in my free time. Please excuse the bad grammar. I hurt my thumb and am typing on a very sensitive tablet.

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