don't leave me (re done)

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The voices had come back. And the pills weren't helping at all, they only quieted them for a small amount of time.


"Shizu-chan~ You know that you can't get me~ I'm simply too awesome to be caught" I say in my normal annoying sing song voice, holding a hand to my chest mocking a bow. "Yeah right, flea. Like that's true. Why don't you just go away for good!" I stopped in my tracks, eyes wide, and unknown to me, tears streaming down my face, before I took in my surroundings. "Shizu-chan, that was a little mean, don't you think?" I didn't dare to turn around. "What? Saying the truth is mean now? What about all of the people's lives you've screwed up?"

"You're right. I apologize. It appears that I have been brought back down to earth, thank you for reminding me of how much of a f**k up I am, Shizuo." and with that I left, never to leave my apartment.

end flashback


"I know."


"so I've been reminded of."

'why not do everyone a favour...'

"Please don't say it. I'm begging you."

'and DIE' 

"Okay." I felt numb and alone, as I walked through my now empty apartment. I had sold everything and given the money to the people that I hurt. They were always smirking until they looked into my eyes, and the females would look like their about to cry for some reason.

"Man. I want sushi." I got dressed in my black ripped jeans, my sweatshirt so no one would see the self inflicted injuries, and my black beanie with my piercings. 

I scoffed looking at my reflection. "man. I want sushi." thinking over what could possibly happen, I shrug my shoulders, "oh well. Not like I care" I got dressed before leaving, keeping my head down low.(down below pic of outfit)

(down below pic of outfit)

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time skip

I was walking to the building that I was going to jump off of when I heard, "Oi flea!" sighing I turn around, everyone around me tensing. "Yes, Shizuo. May I help you?" Everyone was shocked. They stood still at the once vibrant man, now looking dead. "Well? I haven't got all day Shizuo." Scoffing, Shizuo grabbed a cigarette, and said loud and clear, "Go do us all a favour and die." 

"Oh. don't worry about that. I was already planning on it after I got sushi for the last time.

Everyone POV

Of course. It's just another sick game between those two. Everyone turned around to leave, including Shizuo, until they heard someone sobbing. It was one of the mothers in the crowd. Her eyes were wide as she was looking at Izaya. Everyone turned to look at izaya in a ripple effect, and started shouting at him. But he only listened to Shizuo. He took out a cigarette and the froze, some shocked he would say that, most agreeing with him.

"Go do us all a favour and die."No one was prepared for his response. "Oh. don't worry about that. I was already planning on it after I got sushi for the last time." Everyone now stood shocked at the man who would once try to control them. His once beautiful ruby red eyes were now a dull dark red, and his skin now had holes filled with piercings. They were shocked at the finishing touch. As he was walking, he had rolled up his sleeves to show the world what it had done to him. 

He broke off in a sprint, only a couple of people following, the rest not knowing what to do. "Go to the tallest tower in Ikuburo." People got in their cars, thinking it was only for attention, some going to wait at the bottom to finally see the pest die.

Time skip(Izaya POV)

I was finally at the top, and all I had to do was take one step. And I did.

everyone POV

 Unknowing on lookers of Ikuburo watched in horror as the man that had somehow got into their hearts, helping them, jumped to his death. A sickening crunch filled the air, as people who thought that they would be satisfied were no smiling. No everyone stared in horror as the man that had just jumped off a building, was now on the ground, at their feet, smiling. People expected, hoped, that he would jump to his feet and laugh cruely at their expressions. But by the time the ambulance had arrived, it was too late, and everyone had turned to one another in shock, and sadness, then to the man who had told him to do it. They turned to him, shocked at what they saw. There stood the monster of ikuburo, crying over the very man that he had just told to kill himself. "No. no,no,no,nononononono. You can't leave me. You can't die. You're not allowed to. No one can kill you but me, remember?" 'We broke them.'  Everyone thought sadly as they watched the once vibrant pair that would always lighten someone's mood, show what was hiding underneath both of the childish men. Two broken men that needed one another to rely on for happiness. And one of those men had just lost something very important to him. 

A little girl with the same beautiful eyes that could once be found on the very man that had just jumped, and the brown hair of the man that he had loved, came running with tears down her face. "PAPA!PAPA!"  Startled by the sudden outburst, they turned to the little girl. Realizing what she was saying, a man bent down. "Kid. Who's your father?" She looked him wiping her tears she said, "I have two papa's, but one doesn't know about me."

"Who are they?" the answer that came out of the little girl shocked everyone, including the second father himself. "Izaya Orihara, and 

















HAHA!! Cliffhanger! But everyone probably knows who the second father is. ;P

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