an/start to a new story

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since I'm now in 7th grade I try to update as much as possible, so since I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, here's a quick story for y'all. I thought I would start a new story, considering people seemed to like this one. I'll try to update as much as possible, but that might be hard.

Izaya was just laying there not feeling anything. Was he really that revolting that evetyone had to get pissed off when they saw him exit his house? that they had to try to kill him for just doing his job? Sure, he acted like an asshole most of the time. Keyword there, acted. It's a mask he made to feel safe and so that no one could see his faults and use them against him. But that was all people seemed to do no matter what he did right, and when he was told by everyone he knew that they wished he were different, that's when it happened. He basically is a zombie right now. He rarely eats, almost never sleeps (not that he ever did, being too paranoid due to his job), and he never leaves his house anymore. 'Everyone's probably celebrating that the pest has finally stopped pestering them' thought Izaya bitterly as he thought of his supposed 'friends' if you wanted to call them that. They stabbed him in the back and told people the secrets he trusted them with. And it was meant only to stay between them. Is it too hard to want to be happy without having to fake it? 'They're probably happy' was all he thought sadly, as he addend to the collection of cuts on his arms, but in reality they were all panicking, and being guilty, thinking it was all they're fault for this to happen. Which technically it was they're fault. But not at the same time. they all wanted to take back the cruel words they said to him the last time they saw him. At this point, even people that hated him with all their hearts were concerned for the boy, as well as thinking that the days were too quiet without his annoying laughter. As much as people hate to admit it, they had actually grown fond of the boy and his antics. Some people even thought of him as a brother or a son, having helped him when Shizuo hurt him too badly, and if he saw you were down, he would do anything to brighten up your day, and it was rare, but some people had caught the poor boy having anxiety attacks, and stayed to help him. 

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