Chapter 1

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I was waiting for my best friend in front of his house when he also decided to wait for his best friend. The relationship with Zvahl is hostile, 99.99999% hostile, the rest... neutral. I was waiting for ZuZu, er Zane, as Zvahl was waiting for Garroth. We both had our backpacks on, and we were both waiting in front of the Ro'maeves house.

"So, (Last Name)" He said, never taking his eyes off the front door. I scoffed. "Not talking to me eh?" He said, looking in my direction, I looked away, but I felt his smug look on his face. "Trying out for soccer again?" I turn straight around, and looked at him dead in the eyes.

"None of your business... Zvahl" I spat. He once again smirked. "Get that stupid smirk off your face" I said crossing my arms.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" He said sassily, by putting his hands on his hips. I just wanted to punch hiᴍ so bad, yet... I couldn't do it. Instead I replied with the most simple thing ever.

"Shut up" He just rolled his eyes, and finally the Ro'maeve brothers came out the door.

"Hey (Your Name)" Garroth greeted. "Hey Laurence"

"Hey" Laurnace and I said, we both looked at eachother quickly and shook it off. Uhg.

"Hey (Your Name)" Zane said. That's right, it was Zane's first day of school. Hellschool. Oops, I meant highschool. And poor Vlad, who had no one to walk with. Well, he was just reading a book so I suppose he's fine. Zane and I started talkimg about video games. "You're mean! You wouldn't give me healing with your staff!"

"Well you wouldn't give me food so I starved to death!" I said, glaring at him

"Touche" Was all he said, and we both burst out laughing. "So" Zane said, we were a couple feet behind Zvahl and Garroth. "What's new with you and Laurnace?"

"The usual" I said rolling my eyes. "So anything new between you and Garroth?" He shook his head in response. We finally made it to the school. I honestly don't know what I was expecting but, it looks like the same freaking school I went last year. Sooner or Later, Zane and I had to split up.

Sad, I know. Now we had to go to homeroom. I noticed Zvahl ahead of me. Oh no... Please don't tell me we have the same room!

He went to the room C258 Thank goodness! My homeroom number was... I pulled it out. C258.

I groaned and went into the class room. No I know. Great. I sat in a chair, placing my notbooks and pencil case on it. I was really bored, and everyone was talking with each other but, I took out my laptop, and opened up my drawing app.

Art made by, Your truly

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Art made by, Your truly. And yes- I purposely made it messy )

(Edit from 2019: Eww ^^)

Not bad! I said to myself, the shirt was little messy, but stil pretty good I said to myself as I complemented myself.

"Who's that (Last Name)" I hear Zvahl snicker. "And what's with their shirt? That's the ugliest shirt I'd ever seen"

"Then clearly you don't look at your shirts close enough" I shot back, I felt my face turn red and so did his. "Why are you bothering me Zvahl?"

"It's called freedom of speech" He said, and he sat to the seat behind me. "Maybe you would know that if you weren't fighting me all the time."

"You started this" I said as i started packing my things

"Did not"

"Heh of course you say that"

"What does that mean—" The bell rang and i grabbed my back pack and left he room with laurence chasing after me."Y/N!"


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