Chapter 15

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A/N - Thanks so much guys for 250+ views!

What Has He Done?

Zvahl's POV

After I went to my classes, I then went to art class, which, lucky for me, I share with Y/N, Garroth, and Aphmau.

I was on my way, when I felt someone poke my back. I turn around, and it was just Aphmau. Thank Irene, I could have thought of someone worse.

"H-Hey Laurence!" She said shyly. I chukled, Aphmau's a freshman, so she's a little shy around new people. So, Garroth and I are helping her out. Anyways,

"Hello, Aphmau" I said back at her. "Ready for art class?" I asked as we both entered the room.

"I love art class! B-But, yes I'm ready" She excitedly. She skipped to her seat, and I sat in mine. She sat right next to me, But I didn't see Y/N and Garroth around. Weird. "Um, how are you feeling?" She said, as she organizing her things.

"Great, way better than I did a month ago" I said smiling. "Thanks for asking"

"No problem!" She said as Mr. Will got everyone's attention. The the door opened and Y/N and Garroth stepped through. "Your Late, Miss Y/N, and Mr. Garroth" Mr. Will said. They both mumbled sorry, and sat down. As Mr. Will was marking them tardy,

"Guys why were you late?" I whispered.

"I don't know Zvahl, I don't know" She said as she looked down at her desk.

"Garroth whats wrong with L/N?" I asked. He just glared at me. "Why are you guys so mad?" I asked. Then Mr. Will was starting his lesson. Why are they mad?


after art, I tried to pull Y/N aside. "Y/N, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Ask your stupid fangirls!" she and walked away to her next class, which was gym

Fangirls? OH, right...

I had a study hall, and I needed a place to think. So, I headed to the library. On the way, I noticed giggling behind me, I turned around it was like 5 girls there. Um, okay... So I went outside instead. I was trying to get them off my tail. So when I reached the bleachers I turned around, and crossed my arms.

"What do you ladies want?" I asked. They just giggled, and blushed like crazy.

"Laurence your so cute!" One said. "Can you be with me?" Another said. Um, I was starting to panic. Then a gymm class went outside to the field.

"I'm sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship ship right now" I said. "Please, leave me alone"

"Is it because of that Y/N?" One girl said disgusted. I scoffed. Did she just? OH NO SHE DIDN'T "We all know she used a love potion in you" They said.

"..Did you say this to her?" I asked. Was this why she was late?

"Someone needed to tell her." And they laughed, (Like the wicked witch of the west). Cackling I should say. But I was beyond mad with them.

"Well, I'm dating someone! So leave Y/N, and I alone!" I shouted. They're eyes widened, did I shout that? Uhg. I sigh, and I was about to apologize when they pointed behind me. I look behind me, my eyes widened. "Y-Y-Y/N"

"Y-Your dating someone?" She stuttered. Garroth was looking at as his mouth was opened. Wait, why has Garroth been with Y/N lately? I feel my fists tighten as I glare at Garroth, who's giving me a confused look.

"Why are you with Garroth?" I said, as I cross my arms

"Zvahl! Are. You. Dating. Someone or not?" She gritted through her teeth.

"Why would you care?" I shouted at her. "Obviously you didn't care that I went to the hospital"

"I was with you every single day, what are you- She said, but I had enough. She never cared about me. Why was I so stupid? And Garroth? Betraying me?

"Laurence calm down..." Garroth said as he put a hand on my shoulder which I smacked away. "Laurence" He said ad he took his hand back and took a few steps back.

"Why are you acting this way?" Y/N asked, why was I acting way? OH, why was I acting this way? Please. Don't even Y/N. Don't act innocent

"I don't know, your the cheaters" I said and too far. I regretted it as soon as I did. She went up and slapped me, hard.

"I was there every single day you were in that hospital." Y/N said, her eyes were glossy, and her voice was cracked. "And I care about you. Alot. I confessed How I felt about you, and this is what I get?"

"Y-Y/N, I didn't mean- I tried to apologize.

"Zip it Laurence" She used my first name. Oh my Irene what have I done. "Have fun with your fangirls" She said as she walked away. She turned back again. "And also, I would never cheat on you. I was talking about Zane and what I could with Garroth since that's his brother." And she walked away again with Garroth glaring at me.
"And you know what? I'm done. I'm done being played. Common Garroth"

What have I done?

Things are getting JUICY. Also thank you for reading!

 Also thank you for reading!

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