Chapter 12

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I ran straight to the hospital, I didn't care. I just needed to let him know. Luckily visiting hours were open amd the nurse in the desk gave me my pass and I went straight into Laurence's room. He was there with his eyes closed and alot of things hooked up to him. I actually lost my train of thoughts because just him being there made my heart beat faster. He took my breathe just being there... the way he was... Broken... Because of me. I wiped my tears and sat next to him. I didn't know what to hope... Until I thought of it. I hope he can hear me.

"Laurence?" I said as I said his name softly, I didn't want to break his eardrums or something... "It's me Y/N..." I said. Already I was unable to talk since I was about to burst into tears. "I hope you can hear me... Because right now, I need you to hear me" I said, as my nose started to get stuffy. "I'm sorry... I had you once, and I just broke it like it was nothing... But it was! I miss it to this day... Ever since you've been in the hospital.." My voice trailed off, and a sob was out... which was followed by more sobs. I loved him... I love you... I love Laurence Zvahl! With all my... h-heart... My tears dripped onto his hand, I took his hand and held it gently with mine.

I missed him. I missed my Laurence... We couldn't I be with him more? Why was such a-

3rd P E R S O N POV

Laurence's hand moved. Barely, but it did. And some how, Y/N noticed. Her face was drowning with tears as her eyes were wide open. She didn't dream. His hand moved. It did. It really did. Then how come he wasn't moving? How come he couldn't open his eyes? Why? Why? why? why? why?

"Laurence?" She said softly, trying hard to stay strong. Trying not voice crack. More tears streamed down her face as seconds past and no response. And then his hand moved again. "Laurence?" She said a little louder, and a little stronger. Her mouth was close to forming a smile but instead just bit her lip instead. She sighed as her hope were just knocked over like a strike in bowling.

She stood and up, knowing he wouldn't wake up. Just like yesterday, and the days before that. She walkes over and held the door open and looked over, just to see, just in case he woke up. . . She shook her head and closed the door behind her.

Laurence's POV

Uhg... I moan. I felt pain all over my body. Nothing I've ever experienced before. I slowly open my eyes, I see the rest of my body, that's good right? I see some medical stuff as I look around. I know I'm not a docter, but I'm positive that I'm in the hospital. Wait Y/N!


Y/N was running towards me, and I chuckle at hoe cute she was. I them saw a car coming. The I looked at Y/N, who was crossing the street. And the car was coming fast. Not my Y/N. I pushed her out of the way, as I fade into darkness.

Flashback over

I breathe heavily, as I look around freaking out. Is she okay? Was she hurt? Millions of questions popped in my head. Soon, nurses cames into my room. I try to get up, but they urge me to go lay back down. I grumble in resoonse. I want my Y/N.

"Is Y/N okay?" I asked. No answer. "Where is she?" No answer. Why can't they tell me! Unless she. No. She can't! She can't! I felt my heart monitor go up, as the nurses were talking with each other.

I hope she's all right. Because I need to make things right

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