Chapter 14

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He's Back.

1 Month Later

Zvahl and I were in front of the Ro'maeves.

"So, L/N" Zvahl said as we were waiting for the Ro'maeve brothers. "Have you talked to Zane yet?" He asked. I told him that Zane kissed me, and his feelings. Then I just awkwardly left and we both haven't been talking.

"No..." I said as my voice trailed off. I know, I'm guilty. But I just can't look at him in the eye and just. I sighed.

"You need to talk to him sometime" Zvahl said, as a matter of a factly.

"Well until then... Garroth Zane and Vylad need to improve om getting ready quicker." I said giggling

"That's fair enough" Zvahl laughed. "Garroths probably still working on his hair"

"I can tell you, I woke up like this!" Garroth said as he hair flipped, leaving Zvahl and I dying of laughter

"You wish Garroth" Zane said behind him, standing next to Vylad

"Hmph. Your just jealous" Garroth retorted.

"You wish" Zane said again.


"Talk to him Y/N!* Zvahl said as we were walking to school. Garroth, Vylad and Zabe were walking ahead, while we are behind.

"I'll figure it out" I said. He didn't need to worry, after all it was my problem not his. So why does he need to be concerned?

"Mhmm" Zvahl sassed. Oh no he didn't. "Anyways, um. What are we?" He asked. What are we? We're -- Uh.

"I don't know" I said, as I felt a blush spread across my face. My Irene why is this so awkward? I used to be tougher. What happened to me? I'll just blame it on good ol puberty.

"I don't know either..." He said embarrassed. His face was red, and he was scratching his neck. And whenever Zvahl scratches his neck, he's nervous or embarrassed.

"So, what happened to Mr. Casanova?" I said smiking. He hesitated, awe he's flustered. The great Casanova, flustered and blushing. Maybe he'll be the stutter queen with the stutter king Garroth.

"He's here" He said softly. I could literally hear a pin drop. "Um, I mean. He didn't go anywhere" He said more with more confidence

"Uh-huh" I said. I didn't believe him. This happened when we were dating before we broke up. He would get kinda, hm, less confident around me.

"..." He said nothing after that, and I just giggled. I knew I got him.

"Wait, what about soccer?" I asked, it had just popped into my mind.

"Ah, well, the school said I could continue today" He said. "I have the list of people who made it" He said, as he held up a white envelope with "Soccer tryouts" with black marker

"Did I make it?" I said, as I looked at him.

"I can't say" He said, chuckling. Wow. Just wow.

"What! Why?" I said.

"Well, we just arrived at school" He stated, and sure enough, Phoenix Drop High was in front of me. That was quick. My eyes soon landed on a couple groups of girls. Shoot! Zvahl's fangirls. Ever since he went to the hospital, they've been after me. "Are those your friends?" He asked, as he pointed to a group of girls who were waving at him. I just scoffed. "Then it's a no" He said laughing.

"Well, see you later Beautiful" He winked and kissed my forehead, and ran inside the school. Holy, mother of Irene.

Mr. Casanova is Back.

 Casanova is Back

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