Chapter 22 [FINALE]

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The Reality


I remembered the smoke, the fire, everything. I open my eyes, they don't sting anymore, am I dead?

Things are a blur at first but they come into focus. Chairs, the hospital bed I'm in, Garroth?

Garroth started talking to me, but I couldn't hear him.

"What did you say?" I ask him, except, I only felt my lips move. I didn't hear my voice... Garroth kept talking to me, but I couldn't hear. I start freaking out a bit, then a doctors and a few nurses come in. The docter checks my eyes, ears and keeps talking. But I can't hear! Suddenly, his eyes widen and he pulls the nurses out, and Garroth included. I see my mom go into the room, but the doctor made her go out as well. "What's happening?" I say, I can't hear my voice! I start tearing up and sobbing. Why won't anyone tell me what's going on?

3rd Person POV

"Ms. L/N, I'm so sorry to tell you this, but as far as I can tell, your daughter... She's deaf."

Ms. L/N was in shock when tears started flowing out of her eyes. Garroth was in shock, as the docter tried to consult with Ms. L/N.

"Okay, I'm here is Y/N all right?" Laurence asked, as he regained his breath. M/N shook her head

"My baby is deaf..." She said relizing that it's reality. The docter, still trying to calm her down.

Laurence looked at Ms. L/N, then his eyes trailed into a room. He sprinted in and saw Y/N sitting up crying into her hands. Y/N wasn't crying because she couldn't hear, but she was just freaked out, no one was telling her anything

He came closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder, she flinched but when she saw him she hugged him, tightly.

"Thank you" She said, stil not hearing her own voice. Laurence let out a tear, as he hugged her tightly as well. "Your so dumb though" She said whacking him on the head. "You could have died"

"You too" Laurence said softly, knowing she wouldn't hear either way.

"Your not supposed to be in here Laurence" Garroth said as he stood in the doorway, his arms crossed.

"I was just making sure she was okay" Laurence said crossing his arms.

"I can do that just fine" Garroth retorted, causing Laurence to tighten his fists.

"Oh no you didn't" Laurence muttered. (Screamin like crazy right now)

"Stop..." Y/N said softly, making Garroth and Laurence jerk their heads to her. "Just stop okay?"

"She's right Garroth, we've been at this too long. Why were you acting like that" Laurence said as he sat down in a chair next to Y/N's bed.

"Laurence... I-I like Y/N, I really do and I just got jealous" Laurence raised an eye brow.

"Thats all?" Garroth nodded. "You left her hanging"

"Left who?"

"Cadenza. She told me you were her date."

"She must be confused..." Garroth said as he started sweating.

"Are you calling my sister crazy?"

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