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Today was the day. I put on my prom dress that Cadenza had made me, I put on my sneakers, and combed my hair. I walked downstairs and my mom started to take photos like crazy. I smiled for the camera when I felt an arm around me.

"You ready?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded.

When we arrived at the school, and I have to say the school has really out done themselves. There were balloons everywhere, streamers and banners outside.

We both walked into the school, as they called out the date's names.

"Jeffrey and Katelyn!"

"Y/N and Garroth!"

"Laurence and Aphmau!"

I winced at Zvahl's and Aphmau's name. No, I just wanted to have good time with Garroth.... Just Garroth...

"Want some fruit punch Y/N?" He said as we walked over to a food table.

"No, I'll have some water though!" I said smiling.

"Then I'll have what the lady is having!" He said back, making us both burst into laughter. We walked over to the cooler and grab ourselves water bottles. We sat at a table, as some other couples were. "I really thought it'd be more... exciting."

"Well, at least we have eachother?" I saod shrugging, trying to make the most out of it. He nodded as he looked around. I looked around two as some couples were dancing or eating, maybe talking to friends and such. Then my eyes were glued on Zvahl and Aphmau. I saw them laugh and smile. And get food, and go back for seconds. I frowned at the sight. How could he do this? I sighed.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Garroth said as he excused himself.

"Okay" I said as he walked away, but as he walked by Aphmau he smiled at her. Then he went to the bathroom, but then I felt someone sit next to me. "What do you want?" I said crossing my arms

"I never seen you this jealous" Gene said as he put an arm around me. I pushed it off.

"I'm not, and don't touch me" I said scooting away from him.

"You miss him don't ya?" He snarled, but chuckled. Why can't he just leave? I saw Garroth get out the bathroom and start talking to Aphmau. Wait, where'd Zvahl go? "Earth to Y/N?" Gene aaid snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I came back to reality,"What?"

"Interesting" He said, as he layed back into his chair. "Surprised you haven't shooed me away" He said smirking.

"Wipe that dumb smirk off and leave me alone" I said coldly.

"Then leave" He said. "

"I will" Then I got up from the table, my stomach growled so I headed to the food table, on the way I bumped into... Zvahl. Why him!

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" He said as he looked at me and scoffed "Nice to see you too"

"I'm sorry I was told not to lie" I retorted. He rolled his eyes. I looked at his tux, he didn't look bad. "You don't look bad" I complimented.

Laurence x Reader |✅| His Name Is ZvahlWhere stories live. Discover now