Chapter 18

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Laurence And Aphmau's Relationship?

The bell rang, and I went to go put some stuff away so Garroth and I can go ask Jeffrey about Katelyn. Don't need my binder and my art folder. I grab my lunch bag and immediately run into someone when I turn around, causing me to fall down.

"Watch it loser" No, no, no, no. "Y/N?" Gene asked he smiked down at me. "Heard Laurence isn't working out. Maybe we could get back together"

"Never." I said back at I stood up and dusted myself off. "Now, leave me alone"

"Awe. And why would I do that?" Gene said. I rolled my eyes. He thinks he's so tough. In reality he's not. "Common Y/N... Me, you. Us?"

"There was no us even when we were dating" I said. It was true. I was the one doing things in our relationship. Not him. It was only to make Laurence jealous. I walked avoiding the situation. Now where's Garroth.

"Hey Kitty." Gene again. Uhg, I turn around, surprisingly I didn't see him. But I swear I heard him.

"Leave me alone Gene!" I hear a voice say, squeak almost. Aphmau? I look around, and find them by some lockers.

"Well, remember meet us after school today. We're going to the park" Aphmau is a Shadow Knight? No, she couldn't be!

"No Gene! I'm sick if doing what you want!" I hear Aphmau say. So shes not a Shadow Knight? Either way, I'm listening.

"Then I'll show Y/N and Garroth this photo" Gene said. I sighed, I'm probably going to regret it.

"Gene let Aphmau go." Wait what? It's... Zvahl...

"Well hello there Laurence. Glad to see your well" Gene said. "Now you and your girlfriend can have a relationship secretly. I'm sure Garroth and Y/N would love to know"

"Gene we are not in a relationship." Zvahl argued back. I wish I could see this. As much as I'm mad at Zvahl right now, I'd still want to help him. "I don't even like Aphmau!"

"Y-You don't?" I hear Aphmau say. She sounded hurt. Wait, She liked Zvahl too. Oh no.

"Aphmau that's not what I meant.." Laurence said quickly. Why?! I felt myself shatter into milions and millions of pieces.

"Guess I'll tell Y/N that. Oh wait..." Gene said, as I felt arms grab me, and push me towards Gene, Zvahl, and Aphmau. I turndd and see that Zenix and Sasha were behind me. "Y/N saw all of it the whole time"

"I-I..." Was all I could say. Why was it so hard to talk? I hated Zvahl! Why can't I talk. I only felt a couple tears go down my cheeks but quickly wipe them away.

"Y-Y/N, I do love you! I was going to ask you for prom, a-and..." Zvahl said, then Aphmau started tearing up.

"Well, I hate you Zvahl" I said looking away to hide my tears. "And you can take someone else to prom since I didn't even want to go with you!" I said out of anger. I sort of regretted it.

"...Me too L/N! I was never going to take you, I was going to take Aphmau!" He yelled, but I hear Aphmau stop crying. I'm done. I'm so. Done.

"Laurence!" Garroth? This is a hot mess. Why? I just want to crawl into a hole and die... "What's wrong with you? You've been different lately" Garroth said

"Shut up Garroth" He said. No. Garroth is literally my only friend right now. Screw you Zvahl!

Gene's POV

My plan is working. I try not to laugh as I watch this chaos appear. To be honest, Laurence put himself in this position. I watch Y/N yell at Laurence, as Garroth was red with anger. It's hard to believe Garroth and Laurence were best friends. This is why we need Laurence in the Shadow Knights.

I see kitty trying to calm everyone down. Pfft. Pathetic! But then a teacher came, and screamed at all of us and orderd us to go to lunch. Oh please.

"Sasha, Zenix? Lets go." I said, and we were cruising the halls as usual. But I kinda miss Y/N being my girlfriend...


After the teacher yelled at us to go to lunch, I gave Zvahl a death glare. Garroth did too. Zvahl gave us both death glares mostly me. I walked to lunch, and saw that Zvahl walked to lunch as well but a different direction with Aphmau following him. I hope they're happy together.

"Y/N?" I hear Garroth say behind me.

"Hm?" I say. He walked next to me, and we began walking together.

"I'm sorry about Laurence... I didn't think he would be like this.." He apologized. My Irene I felt really bad for Garroth. I mean, Zvahl is total jerk.

"It's not your fault Zvahls like this Garroth." I said. But one thing is for sure. "But we need to stick together."

"Agreed" He said smiling. We both sat at a lunch table and began eating lunch and chatting. Then Katelyn and Jeffrey were holding hands in the lunchroom. I Guess Garroth doesn't have a date for prom.

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