5: Moments in Love

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Alex just stared at Piper, wide-eyed and unbelieving. Piper's words played over in her head again and again 'I want you'. She had said that hadn't she? She wasn't just imagining it. Alex almost wanted to pinch herself to check that she wasn't dreaming. Here Piper was, being honest with her for the first time in what felt like forever.
"What about Larry?" Were the only words Alex managed to say, still somewhat in a shocked state.
Piper shrugged, "Me and Larry are over. For good this time."
Alex looked confused, hadn't they been about to get married? She was overjoyed at the information, of course, but it didn't levitate the confusion she felt at the information. Piper must have seen Alex's confusion because she went on.
"I told him someone was trying to kill me and then he just went on this massive rant about how I go looking for it and how he doesn't want to be on my ride anymore.." Piper scoffed, "Honestly, it sounded like he was just repeating something you'd said when..." Piper halted and frowned, looking at Alex.
Alex felt the familiar guilt, knotting her stomach as she recognised the words she had said to Larry when he came to visit her. She didn't really understand why she felt guilty, it wasn't like she'd told Larry to end it with Piper. She just made him look at the facts.
"What a dick." She tried to play it off but she knew Piper saw right through her. Piper narrowed her eyes and stepped away from Alex a little.
"Wait... Have... Have you spoken to Larry?" She asked, her voice quiet as she searched Alex's eyes.
Alex took a deep breath, deciding that she would be as honest with Piper as she could be. "Larry came to see me after you told me that you picked him. He told me to leave you alone and I said I would, clearly that wasn't enough for him because then he got all mad and told me about how I was the one who seduced you in here." Alex rolled her eyes at the memory, "So I told him what happened that day that you dragged me into the chapel but that I was done with you because I couldn't survive another ride with you." Alex shrugged. "I didn't know he would go and do that." Alex did her best to keep eye contact with Piper as she saw her analyse her words. Probably picturing the scene in her head.
"It's okay. I realise now that the only reason I was staying with him because it was safe and the only reason he wanted to marry me is because he was scared." Piper looked sad for a moment but she quickly covered it up again. "It all worked out though, right?" She offered Alex a small smile and rubbed her cheek with her bandaged hand.
Alex frowned, reminded of Piper's wound as the bandage came into contact with her skin. "I don't really know what your definition of 'worked out' consists of but mine certainly doesn't include getting kicked to shit." She said sternly but took Piper's hand into her own anyway. "I heart you kid." Alex smiled warmly at Piper and then gently pushed her in the direction Nicky had headed. "Go help her before she drags you away."
Alex was in high spirits now. Her internal conflicts for the time being had been put on mute and she was happy to keep them that way for as long as possible. She didn't expect this momentary happiness to last, she would be stupid if she had but for the time being, she welcomed it.

Alex and Piper managed to be together for a whole week whilst staying under the radar. As far as everyone else knew, the most they had done to each other was say hello every now and then. Even Nicky was clueless. They both laughed about it when they were alone. They weren't keeping it a secret because they were ashamed but more because it was a thrill and Alex was still scared shitless that someone would come up and fuck it all up if they knew. Although she wouldn't admit that to Piper. They were together alone in the laundry room right before dinner, hiding behind one of the dryers. Alex was sure that they were going to end up doing it right there when Nicky walked in. Neither of them were aware of her presence till she shouted, "HEY! THE LESBIANS ARE BACK!"
Both Piper and Alex let go of each other immediately at the noise and Alex fell over in her rush to move away. She heard Nicky howling with laughter and rushed to her feet.
"Fuck sake Nichols, you are going to be the death of me I swear." She sighed and looked behind her at Piper, grinning. Thanking the fact that they hadn't got too carried away in front of Nicky.
"Well, if you two are finished 'doing nothing more than saying hello' to each other, I believe it is time to eat." Nicky laughed again, grabbing both Alex and Piper as she dragged them out of the laundry room and towards the canteen.
"You would not believe what I caught these two doing just now!" Nicky exclaimed as they got closer to their table.
Big Boo looked at the state of Alex and Piper in turn and then just shrugged, "Shagging?" She said nonchalantly.
Alex grinned, knowing that Big Boo had just ruined all of Nicky's fun.
"God dammit, why'd you gotta ruin my surprise?" She sighed as she sat down.
Piper raised her hand, "Well we weren't actually shagging..." She muttered, her cheeks rosy red.
Alex laughed, took her hand and then led her to the serving line. "It's a shame Nicky came in when she did..." She muttered to Piper, grinning as the blonde went even redder in the cheeks.

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