12: Nothing Like You and I

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While I'm off chasing my own dreams,
Sailing around the world,
Please know that I'm yours to keep,
My beautiful girl.

The months passed slowly after that, there had been no progress made as far as getting Alex's sentence reduced and it was slow going with getting Nicky's lawyer to review her case. Soon enough it was the middle of the summer and Piper only had seven months left to serve. This worried Alex to no end and she often found her mind travelling back to the fact that she was going to have to let Piper go. Alex made her way to the phones and dialled the number that she had now learned off by heart.

"Hello?" Carol Chapman's voice answered.

"Carol, it's Alex."

"Ah, Alex. How are you today?" The older woman replied.

At first it had surprised Alex at how quickly Carol had offered to be there for Alex whenever she needed to vent things that couldn't be vented out with Piper. Alex had turned to her often over the past four months, calling her at least once a week. The only tone in Carol's voice was kindness although Alex wasn't sure entirely how much of it was just put on for show.

"Not so good." Alex admitted quietly, checking behind her to make sure neither Nicky or Piper were nearby. "Time is suddenly going so quickly and I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to hold it together for Piper."

Alex heard Carol sigh, she imagined the woman rubbing her temples. "Alex, please. Stop thinking about the future and concentrate on what is happening now. Piper told me that 'living in the now' had always been your thing so why aren't you sticking to it?"

Alex shrugged, then realised the woman couldn't see her. "I don't know, it's hard to concentrate on the now when 'the now' is just the same thing everyday." Alex chewed the inside of her cheek and looked down at her feet, clad in the mandatory boots. She noticed how dirty the floor looked.

"I know you're worried about what will happen to your relationship with Piper but I will make every effort to remind her that you are relying on her to be there when she gets out."

Alex knew the woman was saying that to comfort her but it made Alex feel uneasy. She didn't like relying on people, that meant she wasn't in control. She didn't want Piper to feel guilty if she wanted something else, that wasn't right. "No Carol, that just makes it sound like I'm trying to guilt trip her into staying with me." Alex sighed and closed her eyes. "Listen, I have to go. Thanks for picking up."

"Have a nice day Alex and try to cheer up, for all our sakes."

Alex put the phone down and let her head hit the wall with a soft thud. Carol was right about one thing, being this morose was not going to help anyone - least of all herself. "Man the fuck up, Vause." Alex mumbled to herself in an attempt to encourage herself. This attempt failed miserably however as she could still not bring herself to move from the current position against the wall. Alex was glad that it was a Sunday and that she didn't have to work, folding clothes just wouldn't cut it today. She turned so that her back was against the wall and slid down to the floor, bringing her knees up to her chest she wrapped her arms around them and then let her face fall into the dark cradle that her knees provided. She concentrated on her breathing whilst she tried to form an action plan. The first thing to do was make sure that Piper stayed out of trouble, she could do nothing that would risk getting more time added to her sentence. The next thing was to put some pressure on Nicky's lawyer so that he would actually get off of his fat ass and try to help Nicky and then that would leave Alex, hopefully her lawyer would be able to do something - god knows she paid him enough to.

"Hey Vause, you know that sitting there isn't the most hygienic." Nicky's voice said from somewhere above her.

"I figured that out a while ago, Nichols. Seeing as nowhere in this place is hygienic I thought it would be okay to risk it." Alex retorted, her voice muffled slightly from her 'hiding place'.

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