17: Consumed

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I hear the people talk.
I just try to block them out. 
While their lips are moving,
Mine are locked with your mouth.

Piper stood up not 5 minutes after their brief conversation. Alex arched a brow but Piper didn't offer any explanation and only told her to "wait right there" before she walked out of the cube and left Alex alone once again. Alex sighed and drummed her fingers on the frame of her bed, unsure what to do whilst she waited for Piper to return. She brought one hand up to inspect the back of her head once again and attempted to untangle parts of her hair, Alex knew she should go to see the nurse but she didn't want to go through the effort of thinking up a suitable excuse. She knew that after her episode with the pills that somehow 'I fell over' just wouldn't cut it this time and she really didn't need to get locked up in psyche. She gave up after a few failed attempts and closed her eyes as she recited over various poems she and Piper had learned by heart during their week together in Argentina.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent

Alex remembered it almost perfectly and a small smile formed on her lips. She had recited that one to Piper before they'd made love on the balcony of their rented home. The feel of the sun on their skin whilst they showed each other just how much they loved each other had felt like heaven, like nothing meant more to either of them than that moment right then. Things had only gone from bad to worse after that. Alex's smile was replaced with a frown as she remembered all of the arguments they'd had about everything and nothing, it was so stupid - Alex could see that now. They had wasted so much time together, all that time spent ignoring or yelling each other that could have been spent in the others arms.

"You spoke my name, I answered in whispers soft, We listened in awe." A gentle voice recited in Alex's ear. The voice brought another hazy smile to her lips and she almost instinctively turned her head to kiss the lips that had recited those beautiful words. As they kissed, there was no sense of urgency and no battle for dominance. For the first time in a long time they worked together and allowed the other to almost melt into the other so that they formed one. Alex opened one eye when they both broke apart to breathe and chuckled quietly, Piper held up a wad of wet tissue and moved it to the back of Alex's head. Alex relaxed her shoulders as she felt Piper begin to work away at the back of her head.

"Good, just relax. If you move even an inch I will trip you and get Nicky to hold you down." Piper threatened into Alex's ear.

Alex felt her body shake with the laugh she was trying to keep in, "Ooh. Feisty Piper, how I have missed her."

Piper laughed and held on tighter to Alex. "I'm being serious, asshole." She paused to kiss Alex's neck. "The nurse will be here in a minute."

Alex sighed and pulled away from Piper, frowning. "I told you I didn't want to go and see the nurse."

"So the nurse is coming to see you, I haven't ignored your request." Piper smirked, proudly.

Alex opened her mouth but quickly snapped it shut at the sight of the burly nurse that was striding down towards her cube. He nodded at her, and she assumed that the grim line his mouth formed was some attempt at a smile. He didn't talk apart from to ask where she had hit her head, Alex was surprised. He had no questions? She sat patiently whilst he inspected the back of her head and finished Piper's job of cleaning it up, when he was done he told her it was fine but she should get plenty of rest just in case she had a concussion. Of course the ass wouldn't give her any painkillers. Eventually he left the cube, giving Piper an odd look. Alex shook her head and decided it would probably be in her best interest to not try to find out what that was all about. She pulled Piper towards her and kissed her again lazily.

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