22: Into Eternity

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All the years I miss your warmth
Have you missed my warmth?
On your island.

1 month 27 days.

Alex stared at the empty wall in front of her, fingers drumming on the plastic surface of the visitation table, waiting for her lawyer. She sighed for the millionth time when she eventually saw him and she forced a small smile, he didn't offer one back.

"Alex, I have some bad news..."


1 month 26 days.

"What do you mean you have to leave?"

"Piper, I don't have a choice here."

"Well I know but... what if you're not back before.."

"Please don't."

"What are you going to do?"

"Whatever it takes."


1 month 25 days.

Thoughts raced through Alex's mind so fast she could barely latch onto them before the next one arrived. She had been called to testify against Kubra is Chicago. She was leaving in two weeks. Piper wasn't coming with her, not yet at least. Alex already knew she was in deep shit with the cartel for giving up more names but if she testified against Kubra then there would be no doubt that he would have her killed. She would just have to lie, risking her early release and possibly adding even more time to her sentence.

"Fuck!" She shouted, slamming a fist against the wall of her cube.

"Woah there, Vause." Nicky's voice called out from a few cubes over.

Alex sighed and pushed her glasses up. "My bad." She muttered in way of apology.

"I heard about Chicago, rough deal." Nicky's voice was growing closer.

Alex merely nodded.

"Can I give you some advice?"

Alex shrugged, finally looking up at her.

"Don't do anything stupid. Like, lie for example. I don't think Chapman would survive hearing that you gotta spend another 5 years in here."

Alex laughed humorlessly and shook her head, "I think she would do better than if I turned up dead in an alleyway somewhere because I didn't lie."

Nicky shrugged, "Yeah well, just be careful okay. God knows nobody wants to deal with a hysterical Chapman."

Alex smiled as Nicky walked off. Piper appeared at the entrance to her cube a few minutes later, she hovered there just looking at Alex. Alex arched a brow, "Seriously? Are you still waiting for me to invite you in?"

Piper blushed and walked into the cube, sitting at the end of bed and fidgeting with her hands. Alex rolled her eyes and placed her own had on top of them to still them. "What's wrong?" She asked after a moment.

Piper sighed, "Alex you're leaving."

Alex smirked, "10 out of 10 on your observation skills, kid."

Piper ignored Alex's jab. "To testify against your fucking drug lord dealer king or whatever the fuck he is!"

Alex stayed silent this time, despite the fact she had wanted to laugh at Piper's desperate attempt to use the correct term. She sensed Piper was getting flustered and rubbed her thumb over the top of Piper's hand in an attempt to soothe the blonde.

"And now I have no idea what's going to happen to you or if you'll be back before I leave - if you're even going to be back here at all! Alex, I'm going to be out of my mind the whole time you're gone."

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