19: I Will Hold You For A Lifetime

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We read a lot,
Letters are the only things that we have got.
Funny how the words are how we form a thought of us.

Alex sank slowly onto the floor, her hands clutching desperately at her hair as she tried frantically to order all of the thoughts that rushed through her head simultaneously at Piper's silent confirmation of her fears.

"Alex?" Piper chimed gently.

Alex ignored Piper and continued to tug at her hair, breathing slowly. When she felt Piper's hand on her arm she stood abruptly and shook it off, walking the short distance to her own cube where her disastrous bunkie was sitting on her bed. Alex stormed in and shoved Leanne against the wall, grateful that the COs were too preoccupied in the bubble to notice, she was satisfied at the 'oomph' noise that blew out of Leanne as a result of the hard shove.

"You tell me right now what he did to her or so help me god I will tear you limb from limb right here." She growled at the blonde, her words rushed but not losing their menacing charm.

Leanne stared up at her, shocked. Alex could see that she had already broken the meth head's defences. What a shame, she had barely even started.

"I...I don't know!" Leanne spluttered. "Alls he did was ask me and 'Tucky to tell him what I saw you two do whens you were together and that he would handle it from there!"

Alex laughed darkly, her eyes cold and yet still filled with an angry fire. She leaned down so she was eye level with the cowering blonde in front of her. "Uh huh, see that's funny 'cause I seem to remember you telling me that she deserved what she got.." Alex paused to slam Leanne against the wall again, "Therefore implying you know what happened." She finished.

"Alright fine!" She whimpered, trying to slide away from Alex's reach. "He told me he taught her a lesson and that she would know better than to be all lesbian with you again and that she'll probably be sore for a while."

Alex grabbed Leanne by the collar of her shirt and gripped it tightly, pulling her up towards her; finding new strength in the increasing rage that Leanne's admission had implied been done to Piper. "You say anything to Healy again regarding anything that isn't to do with how much you resemble a living piece of shit and you're fucking dead, you hear me?"

Leanne nodded quickly and Alex dropped her shirt, allowing the girl to slump back down into her bed. Her hands curled into fists and she stalked out of her cube and towards Nicky who'd been watching. "Nicky." She said firmly.

Nicky looked at Alex expectantly but also somewhat reluctant. "What?" She asked.

"Tell me everything she told you right now."

Nicky frowned and pulled Alex down onto her bunk. "I'm not sure that's a good idea..."

Alex sighed impatiently and flexed her hands, "Nichols, she's kept what he's done to her from me for this long and look where it's got her. Besides, if I don't find out everything right now I'm not sure I'll be able to stop myself from storming into Healy's office right now and beating him to a fucking pulp."

Nicky nodded then, understanding showing on her face. Alex imagined she realised she would feel the same had it been Lorna in Piper's position. "She wouldn't tell me much," She began after a moment. "Only that she was trying to figure who was ratting her out about whenever you two were together and were doing more than.. well, small talk." Nicky paused and looked around briefly, "I tried to get her to tell me about it but she just broke down into tears; wouldn't even let me touch her on the fuckin' arm." Nicky shrugged, sighing and then suddenly moved to the bunk opposite. Alex frowned and was about to ask why she had moved when Piper replaced Nicky on the bed next to her. Piper looked at Alex blankly.

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