Episode 27, "Morgana's True Rage."

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       In the last Episode, Morgana was really mad about the castle destroyed by the Elemental Heroes. And so, Morgana released her rage and went onto Arcana Kingdom. She was really mad about it. While she was going to Arcana Kingdom, a huge, dark cloud surrounds the skies. As the villagers outside the Arcana Kingdom noticed, one of them ran towards the guards from the North Gate and told about the dark cloud. And so, the Guard went to the King, which is on the Inn.

As the Guard entered the Inn, he saw the King and the Elemental Heroes.

"My lord! Villagers reported that there has been a dark cloud surrounding the skies!"

The Guard said while panicking. The King and the Heroes went out to see the situation. Aruna was there already, seeing the skies went dark. As Morgana finally entered the Arcana Kingdom.

The Heroes, King and Aruna are now watching Morgana's True Rage. A Chaos that shall strike soon. Thunderstrikes happened and hitted the buildings's roof. People inside are panicking. And now, The King has a plan.

"Heroes, Evacuate these people to the Basement. There are some hidden holes near the debris."

The Heroes nodded and finally, they started to evacuate the people into the Basement.

"I'll give you heroes some time to handle those people."

Aruna flew up, trying to stop Morgana's Chaos. She created a huge Light Sphere towards Morgana. When Morgana noticed it, she created a Dark Barrier. But, it was ineffective. And so, she was inside the Sphere. Her magic was useless when she was inside it. She tried to break it with her own hands, but it only cracked a little. That'll be enough time to evacute all of the people in Arcana Kingdom. Including the King.

"Come on, Heroes... You can do it."
She didn't notied the crack. She would hope that the heroes evacuated them all. But then, the shield cracked up badly until it broke. Aruna noticed it.

"You think that would stop me, Aruna!? Not this time!"

Morgana released up a Dark Aura within her hands, making two huge hands to get a grip on Aruna, crushing her. But then, Aruna emitted a Light Blast, making the hands disappear from it.

"I won't let you do this."

Afterwards, Aruna and Morgana started to fight with their own powers. It would be getting intense soon enough.

While the Heroes and the King were evacuating the villagers, Morgana's minions entered the Kingdom with a normal speed. Chris noticed it.

"Guys, incoming!"

The others saw it. And so, Kassie and X had to pull out their own weapons to defend.

"You guys take care of the villagers. We'll handle this."

X said. They both were prepared for the fight like this. With the Elemental Stone on their hands, it would be a good time to use it now.

The others who were evacuating the villagers kept moving. All of the villagers finally got evacuated to the shelters. And also the King too.

And finally, the Heroes went off to support X and Kassie. They were alot of them. Almost surrounded X and Kassie. But, their elemental power can stop them.

While at it, Aruna was knocked down to the ground hardly like a meteor crashed.

The Heroes noticed her and went to her immidiately. They seemed to be shocked about Aruna getting defeated.

"Aruna!? How did you.."

Chris said. Aruna looked onto the Heroes carefuly. She was surely in pain due to the hard landing.

Aruna groaned and tried to stand up. But, she can't.

"H-Heroes. I need to rest for now. I can't handle this much longer.. You all will have to use your powers to defeat Morgana."

She said. The Heroes nodded softly and stood up. Aruna vanished instantly to somewhere safe to heal herself up. It may take time for that.

While that, Morgana laughed and flew down to the ground, close to the Heroes.

"Now that the pesky Light Goddess was gone, it's time that i take care of you all."

The Heroes started to prepare themselves for a Final Battle.

They both started to dash to each other. And... Will the Heroes be able to stop Morgana? or will Morgana destroy the Heroes and the Arcana Kingdom? Find out in the last episode!

---------------To Be Continued..---------------

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