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25 AUGUST 1944

"No Captain. Those are explicit orders. The men are to be captured alive for questioning."

Steve huffed out a breath, fighting his urge to scream and punch the General in front of him. He'd already explained over a thousand times that the men were not being killed by the Howling Commandos but were committing suicide. The general had turned a deaf ear and kept repeating the same thing over and over.

"Captured alive. Clear?"

In order to avoid a discharge and bleeding nose for the general, Steve smartly saluted and left the tent. He needed to blow off some much needed steam and the barracks were certainly not the place for it.

He walked towards his own tent, private and towards the back end of the barrack. It was hardly secluded but it did provide those few moments of necessary solidarity. It had everything that he loved and their presence calmed him down. His sketchbook, a photo of his ma, a small wooden cross his mom owned, a hardly - comfortable cot and his Bucky. His feisty, adoring, super hot and extremely caring boyfriend. 

The mere thought of falling into Bucky's arms and cuddling for dear life and sanity were making Steve's steps quicker and his heartbeats faster.

"Captain." Steve groaned internally. He really wasn't in a mood to hold a conversation with anyone, not even with Peggy Carter.

"Yes Miss Carter?" He turned around with a polite smile and questioning gaze. He may be irritated and slightly annoyed, but he knew how to respect others and not go off on them.

"Colonel Philip wants to discuss something with you."


"Don't think so. The general was in there with him for a long time. Couldn't possibly have a good outcome. Your team's there too. Some of them don't look too happy with what they overheard."

His team! And that included Bucky too. That meant Bucky wasn't waiting for Steve in the tent, with warm hugs, soothing words and gentle hands through his hair. Steve wanted to shout and scream. The day had been bad enough he didn't need to add salt to wound.

He quickly followed Peggy and walked towards the little gathering in the middle of the barrack. Colonel Philip stood there, along with the General and the howling commandos. Steve nodded politely at his comrades, immediately noticing Bucky's absence and saluted the colonel and general.

"Rogers, the General has come with military strategies and wants to discuss them with you and your team. I believe he's already underlined a few with you?"

Phrased like a question but hardly one. Colonel Philip looked just as done with the discussion as Steve. Steve nodded, acknowledging the colonel's words and prepared to follow them into one of the nearby buildings.

"I'm sorry Rogers. I couldn't get him off my back. "

Steve smiled at the colonel. Philip was a father figure to Steve, the closest to a father he ever had. The man saw people for what they were and didn't pledge loyalty to power and money. His loyalty lay with his country and with calibre and that earned him Steve's respect and that of all his subordinates.

The plans were soon laid down and strategies discussed, but Steve could hardly pay attention. His mind was trying to figure out where Bucky was and why he wasn't there to discuss this with the rest of them. If everyone else was there, how was Steve's second in command missing?

"Where's Bucky? "

Steve asked Gabe, not bothering to whisper or worrying about interrupting the general's monologue.

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