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It's a normal day at the avengers facility. There are no villains to fight, missions to complete or the world to save. The avengers are taking a well deserved break and Steve is enjoying every bit of it.

The early morning sun, peeking through the curtains, wakes him up. Steve sits up in bed and yawns, stretching his arms till they pop. It's a beautiful day, sun is out and shining and a steady breeze is blowing.

He makes his way out of his room and walks towards the kitchen, from where the lovely smell of pancakes is drifting through. Bucky is in there, wearing Steve's very patriotic apron and humming along to some Disney song Steve wishes he could remember.

" Smells amazing, Buck. "

Bucky turns around, eyes sparkling and mouth turned upwards in a beautiful smile, a smile that put the sun to shame.

" Morning Stevie. I was waiting for you to wake up. "

" You should have just woken me up. "

Bucky laughs and Steve's heart contracts. The amount of love he harbours for the man in front of him is too much. At times Steve wonders if all this love will make his heart explode.

" And deal with a grumpy you ? No way Rogers. No way. "

It's Steve's chance to smile. A sleepy Steve is no good and he knows it. Well and so does everybody living in the facility. If you try to wake Captain America, you better come prepared with a shield and bullet proof vest.

Bucky turns around and starts flipping the pancake. He's wearing one of Steve's shirts and sweat pants and Steve can't help but notice how they fit him like a glove. The tight shirt accentuates his muscles and the sweat pants curve nicely around his ass. The shirt ripples and moves with Bucky's movements and Steve wishes and hopes they would just rip.

He can't help but sigh at the thought of how domestic all this is. Bucky prancing around in their kitchen, wearing Steve's clothes and making them breakfast. At night Steve will cook them dinner. Then they'll sit on the couch and watch movies till they fall asleep on each other. This has been them since the 1940s; nothing has changed, neither Bucky's delicious pancakes nor Steve's unrequited love for Bucky.

He wants to tell Bucky how much he loves Bucky, has loved him since they were two blokes running wild in Brooklyn and will love him till the end of the line. But Bucky doesn't love him, he has always been with girls, still flirts with the dames they meet. Nothing has changed, except a metal arm and some painful nightmares.

" Are you all right Steve ? You are awfully quiet. " Bucky's tone was playful but it did hold the tiny sliver of worry underneath them. Something he only had where Steve was concerned.

" Say I'm not grumpy in the morning. Say I'm a ray of sunshine. "

Bucky gave Steve an incredulous look followed by a hand splayed on his chest,feigning shock.

" Asking me to lie early in the morning Rogers ? "

" Fucking jerk. " Steve murmured under his breath, but nothing went unheard thanks to Bucky's enhanced hearing.

" A dollar in the swearing jar sunshine. C'mon hurry up. "

Steve stuck his tongue out at Bucky's smug voice. But it was his fault, he had come up with the great idea of a swearing jar and out of everyone on the facility, he had put the most money in it.

When Steve first came up with the idea, it was just to get on Bucky's nerves. Bucky had the worst potty mouth of all the avengers, he could make Tony look innocent. But Bucky had soon found a loophole, he swore in Russian. Steve knew he was swearing, but to prove it he would have to learn Russian, which he wasn't going to do.

A Guide To Love: Stucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now