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Steve watches as the building crashes into the triskelion river. There is chaos erupting to every side of him. In the distance he can hear the blades of an approaching helicopter and blaring of ambulances hurrying towards them. He's bleeding, nothing fatal, but enough to make him feel dizzy and out of it. His eyesight is starting to blur but he can still make out the black-clad figure in the distance.

The man.

The man with the shoulder length, flowing brown hair and a metal arm. The man dressed from head to toe in black Kevlar and carrying an entire armoury in his clothes.

The destruction and chaos had started when the man had walked into the SHIELD HQ in the morning. He had walked in past the security, in spite of his arm, and wrecked havoc in their ranks within mere seconds. He'd taken out the security with two well aimed bullets, STRIKE'S first batch had not even made it within ten feet of the man before they were sent to join their comrades. The local police had been taken care of with two grenades and the other agents on the floor had been no match for his knife or even his arms.

Steve had been stuck between a sense of imminent danger and awe when he'd seen the man in action. The grace with which he moved, the calculated precision of his firing, the sheer strength of his body, the elegance with which he flipped knives and guns alike and the way he made ripping out doors seem easy. He was enthralled by the sheen of his metal arm and the immense strength of it and the whipping of his hair when he moved was poetic.

But he did recognize the danger. The man was no doubt an Hydra agent, which had been confirmed the moment men dressed in traditional Hydra wear had joined him and turned the once-beautiful office into a bloody battlefield. The men were ruthless, sparring none in their wake - children and babies included. They weren't interested in hostages and were taking the lives of all in sight.

And maybe that's what made the man stand out- he hadn't killed any civilians. In fact he seemed to be focussed on not going anywhere near them, especially children. But that didn't dwindle the amount of dead bodies he left in his wake. Agents, hundreds of agent, their bodies bloodied and bruised, lay under his feet like a carpet as the man strutted down in style.

It's a soul wrenching scream that snaps him back to the moment. He shakes his head to clear the blurriness and squints his eyes to make out the scene in front of him. In the distance he can see the man taking on both Natasha and Sam at the same time.

He's got Natasha at gun point and an arm around Sam's neck. Sam's face convulses in pain as it changes hues from red to purple. Natasha seems to be talking to the man about something, but the man does nothing but smirk cruelly at her. He cocks the gun, without even moving the right hand in the slightest, and whispers something to Nat.

He sees Sam's eyes bulge out of his sockets and hears him scream again before sprinting into action. He ran towards his colleagues and kicked the man in his stomach. The sudden kick threw the man off balance and he fell to the ground, dropping both Sam and the gun. Sam scrambled to his feet and started coughing violently while Steve's gaze was focussed on the man beneath him. Before the man could register what was happening, Steve picked up his shield and hit the man on the side of his head effectively knocking him out.

He turned towards his team and noted with concern that Natasha was bleeding from a bullet wound on her thigh and another in her right arm. He rushed towards her and knelt down trying to staunch the flow of blood with his hands.

A Guide To Love: Stucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now