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Ayumi's POV 

 Al and Ed were asleep when we arrived back home. They were adorable sleeping. I just had to make a comment about it, "Who knew Ed could look so innocent and vulnerable asleep!" I said in a hushed wispher. I realized I did not want towake them.

El just sighed and shook her head. "Sometimes he has a soft side. I like his soft side, but I love it when he's adventurous. He's just not Ed when he's innocent." 

"I don't know what I'd do if Al wasn't who he is. I'm happy how he takes care of me, even though at times it makes me feel I can't take care of myself. He takes care of me, and I take care of him. Well, when he let's me..." I grabbed my arm, because I usually do that when I'm sad. Maybe it's depressment. 

Eclair said angrily, "You can do things alone. Just because you're not always able to, doesn't mean you can't. Ed takes care of me, but sometimes you have to take control. It's not picking a fight, it's making decisions on your own." I nodded in agreement. She seemed to have something against being supported by another. I guess with her past this only made sense. She always thought it was better to have a high self confidence  and believe in herself before another.

We both ended up staring at Alphonse and Edward as they layed there, fast asleep in silence.

Suddenly, Eclair said, "If you have questions, any at all, I'll be here for you." She must have known about how I was feeling. I guess it was written all over my face.

"I know, sister-in-law." 

"How 'bout we try carrying them upstairs?" She said, over comfident of herself.

"Ugh, but it's usually the other way around!" Then, we decided to try to carry them upstairs. I guess I was stronger than I thought, because I actually could carry Al, and Eclair could carry Ed. El and I went back downstairs to wait for them to wake up. 

Finally, they both walked down the stairs. Al was rubbing his eyes and said tiredly, "How did I get in my room? I don't remember falling asleep there." 

I looked back at him. "Good afternoon, honey." 

Ed yelled, "The couch was comfortable! How did I get in my room?!" 

El replied, "Yumi carried Al upstairs, and I carried you upstairs." 

Ed moaned, "I thought it was the other way around! I'm supposed to carry you!" Then Edward ran up to El and carried her upstairs. 

Alphonse asked, "You find a dress?" 

I smiled at him. "Yup. It's lined with gold, and it's lacey. I think it's beautiful." 

"Not as beautiful as you." 

"Aww!" I ran up to him and bear hugged him. 

I sank down on the couch, because I remember something I've been thinking about for awhile now. "Al, do you ever think about having children." 

Alphonse sighed. "Yeah, but we're kinda young, aren't we?" 

"Well, we're only 21, but El is having her baby and she's 22. We will when the time's right." 

"I just think a family's not a family without children." 

"Yeah, I guess. Al, there's something I need to ask you. You have to give me your honest opinion, though." 

Eclair and Edward started walking down the stairs. 

"Yeah, sure. Anything."

I grabbed my arm again. "I'm thinking about joining the military."

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