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Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Ugh, who is it now?" I sigh, as I get myself out of the chair I'd been sitting in for the past who-knows-how-long. I hop over to the door, cursing under my breath since Ed had went to go get things in town for Winry.

I open the door, hiding my right side, to find Ling collapsed on the ground, moaning, "Food"

"Goodbye" I slam the door, as he grabs it.

"Go somewhere else, Ling. This isn't a place where you can bait, free-loader."

"Oh, Eclair Elanie. The Halfmetal Alchemist. Nice to see you-"

"I'm Eclair Elric now. I'm married now. I'm still the Halfmetal Alchemist."

"So you married Al-"

"Edward. Gosh free-loader. You really are stupid." As Ling gets up, I attempt to shut the door again, but Ling caught it again.

"Have you been lazy? You look like you've put on some-"

"I'm pregnant." Is it really that noticeable?

"Oh. You haven't changed much. Except you're missing something..." He goes into a deep thought.

"I'm missing my right leg" I say, each time sounding more depressed, and 'no, duh' like.

"That's what it is!" No craap Sherlock.

"What do you want?" I finally ask, as Yu and Al finally show up behind him; asking "How'd he get here first?" Ed comes in sight beyond the others.

"I just wanted some fo-"

"Free-loader!" I snap, before I feel a sharp pain. I fall over in the doorway. And black out.


"She should be fine." an unfamiliar voice says.

"See. I told ya there was nothing to freak out about." Winry says. I didn't dare open my eyes.

"How about the baby?" Yumi asks.

"Fine as well."

"Are you sure she's not..." Ed starts. I remember. His mother collapsed one day, before she got sick and died. I probably scared Him and Al.

"She's fine." Winry repeated.

"I'd have to say, for a mechanic, you have some great doctor skills." The unfamiliar voice spoke again.

"Thank you. Do you mind if I put her arm and leg back on?" What?! They were both gone?!

"It's fine. Just call me again if you need anything, and don't let her get into any more fights or work-related things."

"I actually think it's better if she does those, because otherwise she'll..."

I force my eyes shut more, before slowly opening them, and peering into the light. The unfamiliar voice was the doctor.

"Huh? Why's everyone here....? Where's my-"

"You disobeyed the rules, Mrs. Elanie-"

"If you're not going to get my name right, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!"

"As I was saying before, you didn't follow the rules, and you collapsed out of exhaustion."


"So she got shot?" he asks Winry,as if I'm not a reliable source.

"Yeah. Messed up her leg. I'd show you what happened, but ai've already take. It apart, and user the parts to get the new one done, which it is."

"Oh good" I say, relaxing for a moment, before looking at the tense looks of Ed's and Al's faces. I was so upset about what I've done, but there was no use apologizing.

"I have to get going. Good day to everyone." The doctor leaves, and I let loose a deep, long sigh.

[ Discontinued ] Afterwords (A FMA Fan-Fic) Where stories live. Discover now