Come Back

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"Al! Alphonse! Alphonse!" Ed and I called out. But we couldn't find him.

We had followed him into town, but lost him after that.

"I'll go on top of buildings, just follow below and stay in my sight." I told Ed, as I used Alchemy to boast myself up to the roof of a tall building, and started running on the roofs.

It didn't take long for me to find Al. It just would take a long time to get Ed there.

"Take a right, then a left, then a right, and meet me there. I can give more directions from there." I shouted, as Ed took off, while I jumped from building to building. Not something I should be doing, but whatever.

I see Ed after he makes it over to where I am, and I give him the signal to follow me, but I'll go on ahead to see if I could trap him. I did, and I finally could jump down in front of him, and stop him. He stopped in fear of running into me. Ed ran up from behind.

"Al! Don't run off like that!" Ed scolded. I put my hands on my knees and panted. He put up quite a chase. Much more than some of the other criminals I take out.

"I'm sorry" Al apologised. I leaned against a wall, as Ed walked over to his brother.

"You can't hide it from her forever." Ed told him, as I came close to them, patting both of them on the backs.

"I know. I just don't wanna upset Yumi"

"You're gonna have to tell her some day." I tell him. I then hear a voice from behind.

"Mr. State Alchemist, could you help us?" It was a little girl and boy. They were tugging on the back of Ed's pants.

"What do you need?" I softly ask.

"Our house collapsed, and we have no where to live. Could Mr. State Alchemist fix it?" Although Ed was a bit....Vertically challenged, he had his silver pocket watch half sticking out of his pocket, even if we both had our over coats on.

"I'm a state alchemist too, we'll both help you. Where's your house?" they were somewhat cute, but reminded me that I was...yeah, and how much torture was with that, along with the thought of having a child still shakes me.

"This way" The girl pointed. The boy started running. I grabbed Ed and Al by the back of their shirts and dragged them with me to the place where they lived. Their mother waited outside, tending to their grandmother. It made me wonder how Trevor was doing, and his father. But I didn't say anything.

"Ed, Al, let's all work on this one, together. It'll get done faster, and be more sturdy." They both agreed, and I knew Al was thinking about the notebook. The truth was, that notebook was full of Alchemy. It was the only thing he had left of it. He continued his studies slowly, just so he had something to do. The first two pages were food. The rest were alchemy.

"Okay, ready?!" I called out to the guys. They nodded, as we clapped in sync, as the house rebuilt itself. The children's eyes grew large, as they danced around happily, saying, "I wanna be a state alchemist when I grow up!"

"That's it!" I say, standing up. Job done. Now we could get back. Ed and Al get up. We walk away, as I hear the sound of a gun shot. I quickly turn as I feel a sharp pain in my right leg. I fell to the ground to see what had happened.There was a tear in my pants, and a bullet lodged between the plates of metal. Thankfully that was my metal leg. If it was my real leg, I'd be dead.

The kids and their mother hide, as a man comes out. I thought I'd seen him before. I remove the bullet as Ed helps me stand, ranting, "You can't shoot a pregnant women!!"

"Why'd-ja shoot?" I ask, dropping the bullet on the ground, trying to straighten out my leg. Ed and Al hold me up, so I don't fall.

"Alchemy is forbidden in this part of town without a license." It was the man who was in charge of the protection of this part of the town.

"Gosh, I'm the Halfmetal Alchemist. He's the Fullmetal Alchemist, and he's the other Elric brother." I sigh. This. Guy. Freaking. Follows. Me. EVERYWHERE. I don't know why though.

"You're clear. But you might want to see a doctor about the wound in your leg."


"It's forbidden that women do Alchemy without a acknowledgement saying they can in this part of the city."


"I'm fine. There's no blood. You just got my leg messed up a bit. Nothing a mechanic can't fix in a few moments. Just don't shoot me again OR I'LL HIT YOU SO HARD THE LITTLE BRAINS THAT YOU HAVE WILL TURN INSIDE OUT!!!" The man left, as the family thanked us, before Ed and Al had to become my 'crutches' as I had each of my arms slung around one's neck, as they carried me back. Gosh how I hated that man. I was going to take him on someday.

"Sorry for that, Al. That guy's starting to really get on my nerve." I tell him. But Al seems to be thinking again. I feel bad for him, dragging him into this situation. I hope I could make it up to him.

We finally were on our way back to the house.

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