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Ring, ring.

Damn it, Abe. Pick up.

“Hello?” Abe said drunkenly.


“Yo wassup. Who dis?”


“Sarah stop! Haha, Jessica that feels amazing! Who is this again?”

“It’s your girlfriend, Abe.”


I heard shuffling and giggles from whoever Sarah and Jessica were. 

“Uh hey! What’s up?” Carter said shifting around wherever he was.

“Who are you with?” I asked.

“Carter, we need to talk.”

“Yeah, I agree but me first. My sister came up with this weird story that you chose the wrong Rosenthal and that you actually love her. Isn’t that so crazy?”

“Actually, no, Carter. It’s the truth. What happened between us before you left… I should have been with Katie, not you.”

“What?… Is this some type of joke?”

“I wish it was, Carter. I just… we were so good as friends. So good. When I found out that you were going away, I had to experiment. It was a mistake. I’m so sorry.”

I couldn’t respond. My sister was telling the truth, but that didn’t change the fact that I hated her for it.

“Carter? Carter, I’m so sorry. I hope we can still be friends. I just… I thought you had a bit of a crush on me and I wanted for us to end our friendship with a  bang… I mean we literally banged… Kinda funny huh?”

“Abe, that was my first time with anyone. No, it’s not funny.”

“Yeah, I figured that out when we started.”

“Abe, what happened to you? You’re being such a jerk.” 

“Carter, this is how I acted around everyone but you. When you left, I realized I had a lot of work to do in the ‘no-no square’ department before your sister and you came back. Once you guys get back, then its a whole bunch of problems and conflicts…”

“Excuse me?”

“That’s not what I meant. No, please, Carter. Don’t hang up…”

Too late. I hung up. I never wanted to speak to that bastard again. As tears began to waterfall down my face, I heard a little knock at my door. 

“Go away!” I screamed.

As the door began to open, I saw Blane peek his head through.

“To be honest, when I pictured getting into your bedroom, I didn’t picture it like this” he said trying to lighten the mood.

“To be honest, I didn’t picture you in my bedroom” I retorted.

“So boyfriend is done-zo huh?”

“Blane, now is really not the time…”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I’m not trying to hit on you, I swear. I just want to be here for you. That’s all. You don’t even have to talk to me. I’ll just sit on this here white bed right next to you and we don’t even have to do anything. We’ll just sit here in silence.”

I stared at him. I stared at this white v-neck. I stared at this thin grey tie. I stared at his jeans which had a little hole on the knee. I stared at his jaw line which seemed to pull my hand to it. I touched his face and it felt so smooth and good. I didn’t do anything but touch his cheek. After a little while, I started to pull my hand away when he said, “No. I like your touch. Please don’t stop.”

Truth was that I really didn’t want to. My hand moved down to his shoulders. I down felt his toned arms and held his hand. My red nails sharply contrasted with his tan skin and I stared at it. All I could do was stare. 

This seemed like a dream. All of it. Abe. Blane. Katie. 

When it seemed like the only logical thing to do was to lean in and kiss him, a loud slamming of the door woke us out of our daze. I immediately retracted my hand and stood up from the bed. 

I walked out of the room leaving the gorgeous man sitting on my bed staring after me. 

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