Good Plan Gone Wrong

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“Oh Mr. Smith! I’m sorry, I came into the wrong classroom,” I said nervously as he gave me a look that could kill.

“Surprised I didn’t leave town, like your boyfriend suggested I presume,” he said. 

Suddenly, I had a very bad idea… that was too juicy to pass up.

“Blane and I aren’t together anymore,” I said approaching my ex-teacher. 

“Why not? You were SOO ready to jump into his arms last time we spoke,” he said standing up from his chair. 

“Because I realized that you were the one for me, Mr. Smith,” I said.

As Mr. Smith closed the blinds, I stationed my camera on my backpack so that it would be able to record everything that would occur. 

Mr. Smith approached me and asked, “What’s with the camera?”

“So we can view it later” I said and he grabbed and kissed me. 

He pushed me against the blackboard and I took off his tie. I made sure that the camera was still pointing at us. I unbuttoned his Brooks Brothers shirt and he lifted up my tank top. 

“Mr. Smith! This is wrong!” I said, looking frightened at the camera. 

“But so right!” 

The point of the video was to stop him when it looked like he was the only one being pleasured by this, and make it seem like rape. But after a while, he wasn’t the only one having fun.  It was hard to control myself to make it seem one-sided, because honestly, it really wasn’t.

“Chris… let me turn off the camera. We can continue later,” I said. 

“No way… I like this game,” he said smirking. 

“Chris stop!” 

“No!” he insisted. 

Suddenly, this wasn’t fun anymore. 

“Chris! Stop!” I screamed. 

He looked at me, picked me up and shoved me in the closet after gagging me. He tied me to a chair after kissing me on the cheek. 

“Stay! Don’t make a sound!” he said playfully. 

I was scared out of my mind. Sure, I deserved this, but it didn’t change the fact that I was being held hostage, half-naked, in my teacher’s closet. 

When my stomach started to growl, I knew it was around lunchtime. Mr. Smith would be gone. I started to bang on things just so that someone would come in. Then, I would be able to escape. 

Suddenly, after an hour of making noises, someone came in.

“Is someone here?” a boy asked. 

“AGH!” I screamed into the gag of tissues in my mouth. 

Suddenly, the doorknob began to shake and the principal unlocked the door. 

“Carter?” she asked incredulously. 

There was a boy behind her but I couldn’t make out the face. When he saw it was me, he left the building. When she ungagged me I asked, “Who was that?” 

When she replied, I was as shocked as ever. 



I put on my shirt and ran into the hallway.

“We’re not done here young lady!” Mrs. Greenmartin called.

I didn’t care. I had to find Blane. It didn’t take long because I found him behind the bleachers smoking a joint. 


“Sup Carter?”

“How’d you know I was in there?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about? Now, if you don’t mind I’m in the middle of something here,” he said trying to light up another joint.

I snatched the joint from his fingers and stomped it out with my sneaker. 

“You’re an athlete, Blane. You know you’re not supposed to detriment your health in anyway possible. Think of what you could do to your lacrosse career!”

“What’s the point?” he said sadly. 

“What do you mean what’s the point? I heard about Kim Yong, the recruiter for Duke Lacrosse, watching your last lacrosse game on Friday. I know they want to recruit you. With your grades and athletic ability, you could go anywhere, Blane. Don’t screw it up.” 

As I started to walk away, I remembered the real reason I had seeked him. 

“Blane you never answered my question.”

“What question?”

“You know exactly which question!” I exclaimed frustratedly. 

“You want to know how I knew you went into Mr. Smith’s room and never came out? Because I saw you! Satisfied? Jeez,” he said rolling his eyes. 

“Why’d you run away then?”

“Because I didn’t want you to make a big deal out of it! Obviously I’m not as smart as you think I am.”

“Well, you were smart enough to contact Mrs. Greenmartin. Mr. Smith is in a lot of trouble.”

“Woopty do,” he said rolling his eyes. 

He laid on the bleacher and soaked in the sun. His math book fell to the ground, and I picked it up. 

As I handed it to him, he said, “don’t bother. I haven’t learned anything all year. Same thing I taught myself three years ago.” 

“Yeah, well not all of us are natural born geniuses, Blane,” I said as I put the book next to his head. 

“Oh shut up, Carter. Just shut up!” he said sitting up. 

“Excuse me?”

“I know you have a 98% in Calculus. I know you have a 99% in Chemistry. People have been talking about how you sit in the back doodling and still manage to get 100%s on every test. You don’t even try! Don’t give me any bs on applying myself. Not all of us can be as perfect as you,” he said angrily.

“I am NOT the perfect one out of us too, Blane.”

“Oh yeah? If I’m so perfect why’d I screw up the prank and cheat on you?” he said standing up. “Why’d I do that, Ms. Smarty Pants? Why’d I make you cry? Why did I break your heart? For what? To show Abe up? To prove that I can compete for your heart and that just because he knew you longer, he didn’t automatically win? Well doesn’t that make me a goddamn genius! I lost you in the process. Ergo, I lost everything.”

Suddenly, a tear fell down his cheek and hit the math book. I had to think fast. Would I follow my heart and get back with him or follow my brain and walk away?

“Blane, I have a bit of  a conflict, here. Can you help me out with it?” I said sitting down next to him. 

“What? I pour out my heart to you and you…” he said in disbelief.

“Okay so there’s this boy. He’s got dreamy blue eyes and dark black hair. He’s unbelievingly bright and athletic. Even more unbelievingly handsome. I love this boy. I love this boy so much it hurts. My heart longs for him, but my brain forbids me to be with him for he has broken my heart. I stay up at night thinking… wishing I could be with this boy, only this boy. But I can’t. Because that would mean giving up my self-respect. Something that virtually doesn’t exist anymore. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. I love you, Blane.” 

I kissed his forehead and walked away. He stared at me as I walked but knew he couldn’t be with me. He really had screwed up, and he knew it. I had to be me again before it could be me and Blane, again. Even if I wanted to be with him, it would never be the same again. 

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