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                                                                                 Thursday, August 26, 2014

I woke up with a smile on my face. I plugged my phone into the speaker system and blasted some Zedd.

“Let’s get looooost at seaaaa! Where they will never find us!” I sang. “Katieee! You need to do my makeup!”

“In a minute!”

I put on my skinny black jeans and white muscle shirt. Katie curled my hair into loose curls and handed me my new black shades. As I tied my boots, I knew I would look very different from usual. I was prepared. After she did my makeup, I looked into the mirror and gasped. 

“Yeah, face it, Carter. You’re hot.”

“Yeah… I guess I am.” I said in disbelief.

I looked like one of those Tumblr girls. I couldn’t believe it. 

As I walked into school that morning, I got a ton of stares. This time, though, I didn’t care. I walked straight past Blane and his girl posse without even a glance in his direction. I didn’t need to look. I knew he saw me and that he was stunned. 

I strutted past the gawking boys and the envious girls staring at my rebellious style. First period was Mr. Smith’s class and I was so excited that I came in early. 

“Hey Mr. Smith!” I exclaimed.

“Carter? Is it that you?” he asked shocked. “Wow, what a style change.”

“Yeah, my sister helped me pick it out. Do you like it?” I asked flirtatiously.

“Yeah… I mean… uh… it’s uh nice. I mean… uh…” he babbled. 

“Mr. Smit- I mean, Chris, I would like to discuss some more history with you. Would tonight work for you?”

“I don’t know… uh… how appropriate that would be, Carter. You know, for a teacher to meet with a student after hours.”

“Oh, Mr. Smith! It’s not like that! It’s simply educational.” 

“Carter, can I be frank with you?” he asked.


“You’re a very beautiful girl and we’re only a couple years apart. I’m 22 and you’re, what, 17? I wouldn’t trust myself around you. I have a wife, and I’m your teacher.”

Suddenly, the bell rang and I didn’t have to respond. A flood of students came in and I took my seat next to my backpack. 

After class, I came over to his desk. I knew what I had to do. 

“Mr. Smith?”

“Carter, I’m sorry for what I said earlier. That was completely inappropriate.”

I kissed him. I kissed my teacher… and he kissed me back. He grabbed me and carried me to the back of the room. I straddled my legs around him and his hands came under my shirt. My hands combed through his messy blond hair. His hands kept going lower and lower down my back. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. 

“So, do I get an A+ for today?” I joked.  

“Indeed,” he whispered. 

We just kept staring at each other until he pulled away from my body and put his hands on his head exhaling deeply. 

“What did we just do? Holy shit!”

“We just made out, Chris.”

“Well, yeah, but I just cheated on my wife!” 

“Wife shmife. I won’t tell if you won’t.”

“Oh my god. Oh my god.” 

He wouldn’t calm down. I needed him to calm down. 

“Hey… Chris. It was a one time thing. You don’t need to tell anyone. I sure won’t. Just calm down.”

“One time thing? One time thing? That makes me sad. I shouldn’t be sad, Carter! I really liked that,” he whispered as his hand traced my collarbone. 

“It doesn’t have to be.” I murmured. 

He kissed me and then looked into my eyes.

“God, you’re so beautiful.”

“Hey, you’re pretty hot yourself, haha” I said with a smile.

“No, but you’re just so pure. Just so innocent. It just pulls me towards you.”

His hands grabbed my hips and grazed my thighs. Suddenly, I was really glad I wasn’t wearing booty shorts. He just kept staring at me. 

“Mr. Smith, I think I should be getting to next period.” 

“Right. Of course. I expect to see you here after school, Ms. Rosenthal. We have a lot of history to discuss.” he said with a wink.

“Yessir, Mr. Smith.”

I silently closed the door and ran to second period. 

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