His family?

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I tossed and turned the entire night, unable to get my mind to calm the hell down

I was worried about Ameera before, but this took things to a whole new level.

I couldn't sleep at all, and if I tried, the moment I closed my eyes, I would visualize some drug lords or something more horrible surrounding her and attacking her.

Life was not easy on the streets.

I stood up from the bed and performed tahajjud, hoping at least to get my mind off the entire issue.

I prayed to Allah to help her with any trouble that she was facing until I could find something to do for her

I closed my eyes one more time, with faith in Allah to do as he sees fit , and finally the sweet feeling of sleep invaded my senses and carried me away to dreamland.

I enntered the office the next day to meet Mr. Zayyad with his head on the table, he had a cup of water next to his head with some capsules.

I knocked on the already open door gently and he looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. His dark skin looked so pale and his eyes were all droopy.

My heart plummeted into my gut at his sight, my heartbeat going into overdrive as usual, but this time it was more out of fear than anything else.

"Assalamualaikum sir" I whispered quietly, "sorry if I'm disturbing your privacy but don't you think you really need to visit the hospital"

The next look he gave me was tear-filled, his red eyes glistened with unshed tears and immediately, I shot over to where he was.

"Mr Zayyad?" I whispered, he pointed somewhere on the ground, where his phone lay with the screen broken.

My heart squeezed painfully, knowing he'd probably tried to call someone earlier but was so weak to grab it off the floor.

I could feel wetness on my skin as I grabbed my phone out of my bag, and asked him for Amal's number to come pick him up.

My only response was a pain filled glance as he bit his lip tightly.

His eyes met my own, holding me in a trance for a few seconds before I realised he was trying to communicate something to me.

"Sir?, you need something?" He motioned with his hand to the fridge next to my desk.

I rushed to it, not knowing what to grab. But the minute I opened it, I saw what he must have needed, an icepack.

I walked over to him, fingers tingling as he collected the icepack from me, whether it due to the cold or my feelings, I had no idea.

Seeing that he icepack helped him relax, I excused myself from the office, with the promise of coming back.

Once i left the office, i went round the whole building looking for Amal to take Mr Zayyad to the hospital.

After searching for him for about 10 minutes, I met him coming back from the canteen and immediately I saw him, I relayed the scene that met me in the office.

Before I could finish, Amal had begun running up the stairs to the Mr Zayyad's office while I hurriedly took the elevator to the same destination.

I got to the floor just as I saw Amal bound up, taking two steps at a time with great speed.

I opened the office door to see Mr. Zayyad passed out on the ground beside his table, with the ice pack in his hand and pills scattered across the floor.

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