The Bet Dress

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Warning: mentions of rape (no actual rape, legit just a character warning another character.)

3rd POV

    "Ugh! Why!" Virgil spat out. He, Patton, and Logan were playing a game of jenga in the living room. 

    "We all agreed to this Virgil, now you can either do the dare, or pay Patton and I one-hundred dollars each". Virgil gave a sinister glare to Logan. After a moment, Virgil sighed in defeat.

    "Which club, and what am I wearing" The emo nightmare growled. Patton couldn't hide his excitement as he ran up the stairs to present the lewd articles of clothing. He soon came back with a dark red dress. It had laced sleeves and a split on the side of one hip, the dress was going to drag on the floor when Virgil wore it.

    "Oh, and just so this doesn't come back to shame the rest of us" Logan pulled something out from under the table, "We got a mask for you to wear as well". It was black with felt rimming the edges and small roses etched into it with lace.

    "Why do I get the feeling this was rigged?" Logan just stood there as Patton urged Virgil into the bathroom to try his new outfit on. After a bit of struggling, Virgil figured out which way the dress was meant to go on. He looked in the mirror and his jaw unhinged.  Never in all his life did Virgil ever think he would look hot, none the less sexy, but this dress captured all his good angles and made them into one. Even though he was wearing a dress, the way it fit his body wasn't truly feminine. It was as if it was made to capture the essence of a woman and a man, though he loved the girl like curves, did it do just that. There was a knock on the bathroom door.

    "Hey kiddo! You ready to show us?" Virgil took a deep breath and opened the door. Both Logan and Patton stared at the side as Virgil half shyly came out of the bathroom. Logan tried to say something, but it seemed as though his voice was on mute. Patton took a step closer and examined his dark strange son.

   "You look so beautiful!!!! I knew that this would be the perfect dress!" Virgil frowned, acting as if he didn't like wearing it.

    "I want to die" Logan chuckled a little before walking closer to the two of them.

    "If you truly wish to meet your demise, then why are you posing like that?"

    "Posing? Wha-" Virgil immediately noticed he had his arm pointed out, hand on hip, and left leg pulled back slightly. Virgil put his arm down and looked at the most intriguing wall he'd ever seen.

    "Oh! We forgot the shoes!" Patton exclaimed. Virgil was currently not wearing anything on his feet.

    "Noooo, I am wearing my own shoes" Before Patton or Logan could protest, Virgil walked up the stairs into his room, being cautious as to not trip on his dress. He looked through his closet and there they were. boots that went up to his knees and gripped to his skin as the trait put on his favorite pair of footwear.

    As he walked back down the stairs he realized why women liked this type of thing. He sure felt like a chick on prom night. As he got to the base of the stairs, Logan greeted him with insurance. 

    "Here is your pepper spray if someone tries to touch or rape you, a small billfold in case your actually well, and a small evening bag to carry it all"  As Virgil accepts the items Patton gives him a smile and the words, Go get em tiger. Virgil then half hearted and sarcastically said Rawr. 

   They both told him were the club was at and Virgil uberred his way downtown. A small sign greeted him saying 'The Velvet Spike' known for an optimistic group of people experimenting and finding entertainment. It was less like a strip club and more like a sexy meet and greet.

    Virgil was told he only had to go in for ten minutes and tease a few with his new look without getting.. yah know. He took in a deep breath and walked to the door. At first glance it looked like a restaurant, until you noticed there was no food and half of the people were practically, no they were naked.

    Taking his time to walk through this place, Virgil found an area that was a little more secluded from all of the people. As he made a turn to an open seated room he bumped into someone hard and just about completely faceplanted.

    "My apologies princess, I am not stable in the mind or on foot right now.." Virgil instantly recognized the voice. ROMAN!? Virgil looked at the face of the swooning voice as he stood up from his fall. Roman had a slight look of concern though most of it was just blank.

   Virgil looked at him a bit more as Roman swayed back and forth, seemingly trying to focus on Virgil.

    "Whoa, my bad, your a prince like I, and a handsome one at that~" Roman winked at Virgil, causing him to blush.

    "Your drunk"

    "Drunk in love~"

    "No, drunk as in had way to much to drink and you look like your about to pass out"

    "Can you blame me? I was thirsty, but you seem to resemble a nice glass..of water"

    Virgil didn't know what was happening, but a second later he was making out with roman in the private dark booth. They didn't come up for air until Virgil heard another familiar voice in the building.

    "Has anyone seen a young man in a dress about yai high, and a black mask" Logan was yelling, but it seemed more like he had a megaphone.

    "Shit" Virgil got off of Roman, but Roman took his arm with a confused look.

    "Why are you leaving? Did I upset you?" Virgil answered him with a small but loving kiss. 

    "I have to go, the clock has striked twelve or something like that"

    "Will I ever see you again?" 

   He has droopy hair and doesn't really smile! Patton described in the background.

    "I really have to go"

    With that, Virgil ran out the back door and got back home via taxi. As soon as he was in the car of course, he called Logan and Patton telling them to just test him next time and that he was fine. They all met back at the house.

    "So, what happened?" Patton questioned.

    "Nothing much, I saw someone pass out from drinking and stood in a corner till I heard you guys. I was to freaked out by the sudden yelling to come over to you both so I went out the back door" Logan had a relieved but curious expression.

    "Huh.. well I'm glad nothing bad happened. You can give us the dress back and we'll promise not to talk about this again"

    "Um, I'm keeping the dress. I deserve a sovaneer for surviving this night and it wasting my time" Patton and Logan didn't question Virgil but just gave him perplexing looks.

    "Well if it makes you happy kiddo!" With that, everyone went to bed. Virgil changed into his normal sleep wear and pondered the thoughts swirling his mind. He kissed Roman. He full on had a make out session with him. How was he supposed to face him tomorrow? But ever so slowly, his thoughts dissipated and sleep swept over the man.

I'm amazed. Truly, 1k reads is something I didn't think was attainable for me. But here is a requested story :) If you want it continued please let me know!

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